GE Link Bulbs vs TCP Bulbs

I’ve had similar problems at times with the GE bulbs, in particular getting all bulbs to respond to mass on/off commands. I think that issue lies with ST as TCP and Hue owners have had similar problems with single bulbs being missed.

From all the commentary, it does seem like the GE bulbs are particularly susceptible to interference from wifi and other 2.4 GHZ products, so maybe take a look at the Home Networking thread to see if you can better align the channels that your ST hub and wifi router use to minimize interference.

For improving the status updates, check out the device type code in this thread: Updated : GE Link Bulbs - FINALLY getting ON status after manually turning on!

It has enhancements to better update the on/off state and adds polling capability to be used with pollster. It might not fix the bulbs turning off all at once, but if you add polling, at least the app will update to show the actual status and you can remotely fix the bulbs that didn’t respond at first.