GE 45633 as button controller for HelloHome Actions?

Continuing the discussion from GE 45600 Handheld Remote as SmartThings Scene Controller (Edited: Does not work!):

As @geko reported in the original topic, based on Amazon reviews and forum discussions elsewhere, looks like this is a ā€œshould work, but doesnā€™tā€ device at the present time. Itā€™s acting as a local controller, but not a button controller. So it can likely control zwave devices it is line of sight to through direct association, but couldnā€™t control zigbee devices or run a Hello Home Action.

If anyone has one that works as a button controller, let us know.

Thatā€™s @geko, not ā€˜geckoā€™ :smile:
I ordered one just for the kicks.

Corrected, thanks!

Let us know how it goes. I suspect it may act as a local controller (direct association) but not a Hello Home Action controller. But it would be great to know one way or the other.

If it meets the specs then weā€™ll just need a devicetype and SmartApp modified to handle the extra buttonsā€¦

Would still seem if you could get a 45633 up and running as a button controler, you could then use the cheap GE 45600 in one of its clone modes (9661/9662) to transfer the data to it and make it functional. Someone did get a 45600 to work as a button controler, but had to attach to the network via a Vera vs ST, which would back the concensus that ST is missing the required code to get the older GEā€™s to workā€¦

Itā€™s been officially confirmed that ST is using the association class to make zwave button controllers work as button controllers. So devices that donā€™t support that command class canā€™t be used that way. Thereā€™s an older command class that could have been used to reach the same outcome, but thatā€™s the one ST hasnā€™t included. So basically youā€™re in an apples and oranges situation. The 45600 asks for an apple. ST offers an orange. The 45600 doesnā€™t know what to do so the correct communication doesnā€™t take place.

You can try cloning or whatever but frankly Iā€™ll be astonished if it works. There are serious hardware incompatabilities between the 45600 and the 45633. The older device has less memory, doesnā€™t use encryption, and doesnā€™t support some other security features. Weā€™re talking hardware features, not software. So you canā€™t just flash the firmware and turn the 45600 into the 45633, the infrastructure is different.

Even if you do initialize the 45600 with a vera (using the older command class) and then include it in ST, I think youā€™ll find there are things it canā€™t do that the 45633 can, like talk to doorlocks directly. But then you may not care if you have it working as a Hello Home Action button controller and you let the hub talk to the door lock instead.

But if you can make it work, youā€™ll have a lot of happy people, so go for it.

@JDRoberts, thanks for the infoā€¦

My ref to flashing firmware was just to get the point across that a very functional controler could be developed/mfgā€™d for a low cost by maybe GE resurectiing the old 45600 framework with some updated guts to pull it offā€¦ it very well may need a new chipset, but seems easy to sweep the market with a nice formfactorā€¦ or ST could include one with v2 that would come out of the box functionalā€¦

I like to see a survey on how many would like a functional multi-button remote and even the same on a wall-mounted form factorā€¦ Seems like a market Iā€™d pursue, if in chargeā€¦ Margins could be from a few $ cost to $25-30 retailā€¦ Maybe 10x marginsā€¦

[quote=ā€œjimmay3, post:7, topic:11083ā€]

I like to see a survey on how many would like a functional multi-button remote and even the same on a wall-mounted form factorā€¦ [/quote]

We absolutely need both, if just for the xAF. I esp. like your idea of bundling remotes + hub. If they had a remote that worked only with v2 and it came in a kit with a wall switch and a 45633 type form factor handheld remote that would pull the trigger for me real fast. :heart_eyes:

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Iā€™m with ya on the GE form factors (45600/45601/45633)ā€¦

Something like a zwn-sc7 is nice tooā€¦ If we can ever get supported DeviceTypes and fully functional SmartApps for themā€¦ Iā€™d rather have these options over useless non-rechargeable backup batteries and some of the other early leaked featuresā€¦

I have 6 of the 45633 GE and trying to decide if I want to invest the time and effort to use a Smartthing as the primary controller keeping the 6 secondary.