Anyone wish they had bought Ecobee instead of Nest? PM if interested in trading your Nest 3rd gen stainless for my Ecobee4+sensor
For sale at $180 or best offer (+shipping)
Anyone wish they had bought Ecobee instead of Nest? PM if interested in trading your Nest 3rd gen stainless for my Ecobee4+sensor
For sale at $180 or best offer (+shipping)
What do you not like about the Ecobee?
I’m surprised. I love my Ecobee, and I only have a Ecobee3. It integrates so well with SmartThings. I even modified the device handler to allow me to set Away, use the motion sensor, etc.
I got rid of my ecobees as well. Went with nest and the new remote sensor. Wife hated the ecobees, always thought they where too hot or too cold. We never seemed to get them right and I had them for about two years. Been a week with the new nest and no complaints.
We had nest at first then I got the ecobees. I used the integration with SmartThings and ecobee but it just never worked that great for home and away. nest has been rock solid d
with the cell phone app as a presence sensor.
I’m super happy with the new nest and the remote sensor. The range seems so much better with the nest remote sensor than the ecobees. I always had errors from sensors disconnecting before, not so with nest. The only thing the remote sensor doesn’t have is the motion detector but that hasn’t been a big deal so far in terms of the actual experience.
I had used a CT100 z-wave kind-of-smart thermostat for a couple years and thought it worked great at previous house. It changed the temperature via ST modes. The thermostat was in dining room which we rarely entered, so the nice looks and “presence” part of Nest & Ecobee were useless.
In my new house, the thermostat is visible from front door and near the stairs. I thought I would upgrade since it is clearly visible and the presence sensor should get used more.
Reality (from my perspective)…
(1) I don’t think Ecobee looks nearly as nice as the marketing/box photos of it portray. The display edges and sensor window are clearly visible on front, I played with the backlight setting a while ago but should try again. The sides/back are white plastic which you don’t see in front on photos, but when I come down my stairs every day, the white plastic catches my eye most.
(2) Echo features haven’t been very useful at the thermostat’s location which I can’t easily move. I have a Dot on other side of the wall that covers kitchen and living room. I could try moving the dot and see if Ecobee works I guess.
(3) UI-I feel like I always have to hunt for settings when I quickly want to turn heat off or fan on.
(4) Presence/Learning-I don’t find this useful at all. When I had it enabled, felt like Ecobee was always wrong, I was too hot or too cold. I will admit that some of this could be getting used to the new house “thermal characteristics” (hot upstairs, cold downstairs, single zone HVAC).
-Presence sensors don’t really make sense to me unless there is one in every room, and the person in that room moves every few minutes, and you have multi-zone HVAC. For me Ecobee at bottom of stairs, it can’t tell if I am in the kitchen, living room or China The remote sensor in upstairs hall knows when I walk past it but not if I went into a bedroom, or downstairs and left house.
(5) new house has whole house humidifier and I assumed that Ecobee would control it more smartly but support told me Ecobee just turns humidifier on when furnace runs and humidity sensor reads low (which is what happens with the regular humidifier humidistat).
Nest probably has some/most of the same issues… TBD, hence wanting to trade
I have actually had good success with the Ecobee 3 lite’s that I have had for over a year, the custom DH for smatthings I have has all the functions layed out and easily accessible. I also have done presence to low/raise the heat/Central AC a couple degrees when everyone leaves, based on phone presence.
The thing is raising/lowing heat/AC too much will result in more energy use in most cases. This is especially true with central AC, because the time it takes to reduce the indoor temperature is usually much longer then the time it takes your heating system to raise the temp. This also all depends on outdoor temperature though.
I found that having a true dual zone & dual stage central AC system to be the most effective when it comes to cooling. I actually have two separate condensers and two separate air handlers for each floor, so everything is independent.
I can’t really complain much since I got the Ecobee Lite’s for $120 each, which really isn’t much more then a digital T-Stat, I would however not spend $250 on a T-stat, I just do not think there is enough benefit there. Your heating/cooling system configuration and insulation are much more important.
The extra money for the Lite’s was worth it to me to have the reporting function, to see when my equipment is running and even which stage that my AC is running in.
There isn’t one product that fits everybody’s needs or requirements. That’s why there are competing products. What works perfectly for one, may not be the same that another is looking for.
The question that the OP is specifically asking is, “is there anybody wanting to trade their Nest for an Ecobee?”.
Just as I’m sure there are people that have Nest that doesn’t meet their requirements and would like an Ecobee instead.
They are both great products and the OP is looking to see if there are any people interested in trading, not being convinced about why he should keep his Ecobee because it’s working great for others needs / requirements.
I’m still bummed I didn’t research thermostats more before buying my Bryant 2 years ago. Assuming 3rd party thermostats will work with all models is a big miss on my part.
Hey, have you traded your Ecobee yet? I want to trade my Nest for one. It’s a 3rd gen with the stainless steel ring. Let me know if you want to see pictures. I want to get things under HomeKit and unfortunately Nest isn’t doing that anytime soon.
I have the Ecobee4 still. I am a bit leary of trading with someone who just joined right before posting here though, sorry :(. Check your private messages in a minute…
Trade didn’t pan out. Since it’s all boxed up and ready to ship, it’s now for sale $180 (+shipping). Please PM if interested
Hey Kevin!
I literally googled “Trade Nest Gen 3 for Ecobee” and your post here popped up. I just created my account on here so I can reply. If you’re still up for trading I would like to discuss details with you!
I have attached a photo to use as verification that indeed I own a Nest Gen 3 and willing to trade.
Looking forward to hearing back from you!!
@XM990 - I ended up buying a Nest, but I still have the ecobee for sale if anyone is interested. PM me an offer.
I’ll trade for a Nest. I do t like the nest because it doesn’t integrate with ST. Had the best for a few months.
There are two apps that integrate the nest thermostat with ST.