Finally managed to integrate SimpliSafe and SmartThings (FastMail option)

I used the cloud-to-cloud integration when I was on SS’s previous hardware platform. The integration itself was never really solid by the way, and broke entirely with their new line of hardware (which is backed by a new platform). SimpliSafe has since apparently locked their system, and only currently integrate with Alexa and Google Assistant. As for the button rocker thing, it’s interesting but would add quite a bit of uncertainty to the system. The keyfob remote is pretty tiny. I’ve been using my modded version of the keyfob with MIMO units driving the buttons for months, and it works flawlessly. I also removed the remote battery, and power it in parallel with the same power adapter used by the MIMO units using a step-down voltage converter. The whole assembly (SS keybob, MIMOLite and MIMO2+ and step-down converter) fit nicely in a 8x4x3 project box with a single power adapter.