FAQ: Is there a way to see the Zwave mesh network map?

That’s a standard topology map. The device ID should be the same is the “device network ID” on your SmartThings account, which you can see in the IDE.

Remember that Z wave allows for dynamic routing, it’s not that there’s a single pathway so you’re not going to see lines the way you would if you were tracking a specific message. It’s just showing you which nodes can reach which other nodes in one hop.

A blue square means the node for that row and the node for that column can communicate in one hop. A Red Square means they can’t. The white square is where the same device is in both the row and column.

For example, node 3, a sensor, can only communicate with your hub.

Node 23, which is a binary switch, has a bunch of routing choices: it can communicate in one hop with your hub, switches 27, 28, and 46; a couple of door locks ( or maybe a garage door controller, but a “barrier entry” device) at 33 and 55 and 57, a sensor at 49, and then another six or seven devices that I can’t see the labels for, but it looks like another door lock, some more switches, and probably the USB stick at 100.

You said you have about 50 devices: just to be sure, are those all Z wave devices? Anything that’s in the network map for your zwave controller should show up on the topology map.

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