Looking at the Envisalink and how I could get this to work with my SmartThings 2 hub. Looks like I’d need to be able to tinker with resets on the DSC alarm to get this working. Would love to know if any have any experience with this device?
If you have an Andoid you can use this solution, this is what I’ve been using for 2 1/2 years. It does not integrate with Smartthings, I purposely wanted my Alarm and Smarthings separate,
I like the idea of keeping them separate also. Thank you for the suggestions @mcvoss - and post link on DSCserver. I feel it’s out of my technical league. It would be nice if there was some simple way to create a virtual switch in ST and then have the alarm state trigger those switched so they might trigger some other ST automation. No need to have ST actually arm or disarm the alarm.
I manually set the DSC alarm when leaving and after exit delay smartthings would receive a notification to turn a virtual switch to ON labeled HOME ALARM. Then I could run goodbye triggered by that event.