
Instead of using wget, go to the github repository page for the file and click the Download button.


To add to my ‘family’ of drivers that use Edgebridge to provide LAN-based trigger, motion, presence, contact device types, I’ve just added a new device type driver for temperature/humidity readings. This will allow a LAN-based app or device that can be configured to send readings via HTTP, to locally update a SmartThings temperature/humidity virtual device.

For more information, please refer to the README file here.


I have tested the new temperature/humidity driver and it works perfectly.

I have to say, the Edgebridge, along with its associated drivers has been invaluable with my ‘making my devices work locally’ quest (amongst other things), and I really appreciate the time and effort people like you put in to assist others. Have some coffee on me…


Thanks so much! I’m glad you are finding these things useful. :+1:t3::pray:

1 Like

Try running the Python file and registering it as a service in systemctl, I had a issue similar to this when setting up the EdgeBridge on mine and SlySi’s network but found the issue went away if I used the Python file instead. Todd documents the entire process for this here: GitHub - toddaustin07/edgebridge: Forwarding Bridge Server for SmartThings Edge drivers

Hi @TAustin, recently I have noticed my Edgebridge has been going offline, when checking on my Raspberrry PI, the service seems to be running but isnt responding. I read a post above about changes in ST sockets, so I updated the EdgeBridge script in case any changes had been made but its still happening. Im unsure how long this has been going on as the monitor has an automation If > 15 minutes then Notify, but when i look at the history its happening every day, usually its a ‘blip’ lasting for minutes before it recovers itself but over the last week its turned to hours, and sometimes it doesnt recover and the service needs restarting which I cant always do straight away. The Edgebridge log shows no errors, it just stops after updating prescence, but this is most likely as its the busiest thing it does, and the CLI shows no activity unless I restart the hub, and then it complains that registrations cannot be performed.

The PI is doing other stuff, and seems more than happy and responsive so im not sure where to go next with this one and wondered if you could advise the best route. Ive got quite a lot running through the Edgebridge now so its a bit of a pain when it doesnt respond.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

I get this occassionally myself, but it is usually associated with a firmware update or anytime the hub is rebooted. When that happens and the hub is starting back up again, ALL hub drivers and devices are trying to initialize at the same time, and this can put a temporarily load spike on your Pi as it tries to handle a rapid influx of transactions. During these peak load times, it can’t answer the ping quick enough, so that the Edgebridge monitor thinks Edgebridge is down. I’ll typically give it a few minutes or so then check the monitor again to make sure that it is showing online again. Then I know it was just a temporary hickup.

So how do we address this? I could add an option in the monitor device to be able to configure the time duration that is used before an offline state is declared. The plus side is that you could cut down on the number of false alarms, but on the negative side, it would take longer to find out if it Edgebridge is really down.

I could also potentially rewrite the Edgebridge app to be multi-threaded, which might help ensure it can always respond to pings in a timely manner.

Thank you and the syncronisation after a reboot is to be expected, but my Edgebridge goes AWOL during the day/night and sometimes doesnt return, yesterday for instance I updated the Edgebridge at 10.36am and then monitored the CLI, and traffic from all devices flowed fine until 2.31pm and then traffic to/from the Edgebridge stopped and it reported offline. All other traffic carried on as it should so hub was up and so was the PI as I could ask it the Edgbridge’s status (which was ‘active’ but logs were outdated).

It didnt recover so I waited until I was home and gave the hub a reboot on the off chance the Edgebridge had stallled waiting for a response from the hub, the CLI then showed registration errors until I stopped and started Edgebridge (understandably). It then went off and on a few times until 6pm and (touch wood) has been fine since.

I have a different mixture of LAN sensors, but not many, 8 prescence, 3 contact, 3 motion, 2 temp/humidity and weather, Im not a developer but have been careful with my programming to ensure my ESP devices only POST when a state change occurs to keep traffic to a minimum, and the only thing out of the box I have is a script on the PI that does bespoke prescence but all this does is send the same POST as your LAN presence.

The only changes I have made in the last couple of weeks (when this started) are adding the HTTP and the Temp/Humidity driver.

I’ve done quite a bit of leg work already and I’m happy to do more if you feel the Edgebridge stops due to an outside influence (are there any debug logs?), I just wasnt sure where to start when everything else seems to be working as it should. Maybe a PI rebuild?

I rebuilt the PI, trimmed the fat from the code on my ESP’s so they are not posting excesivley and added each service back one at a time (contact, motion, presence, temp/humidity) and it was bullet proof until I got to the temp/humidity. The post routine used for temp/humidity uses the same function as the contact sensor so no difference in what im sending except for part of the URL.

As the EdgeBridge appears to be device agnostic, is it possible that the hangup is coming from the ST/driver end?

Hi - sorry for the delay in responding, as I’ve been away on vacation.

I’m sorry you are having problems. We’re going to have to try and do some further debugging to see what may be causing the issues. Do you have the SmartThings CLI? If so, we could start some logging and try to catch the error in case it is something going on with the Edge driver.

The other logs to check are those from Edgebridge, which I assume you’ve been doing. It would help me if you would post the output here so I can see what may be going on. You can start edgebridge with a -d command line parameter which will cause it to display some additional info in the log output - mainly the data that is being received if you are using it to forward requests outside your LAN. But since that’s not what you are doing here, it may not give us to much additional info.

Thank you, its appreciated.

This is the CLI

2023-06-03T10:06:58.080863166+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  Response:       200     number
2023-06-03T10:06:58.082038833+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  <Device: bf938913-1b42-43af-ac38-13648d3530e6 (Edgebridge Monitor)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"status","capability_id":"partyvoice23922.onlinestatus","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"online"}}
2023-06-03T10:06:58.084879833+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:02.286398501+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Received event with handler zigbee
2023-06-03T10:07:02.292387168+00:00 INFO Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  <ZigbeeDevice: f454da54-513f-4448-890f-16959e9eb705 [0xBEF7] (Utility Water)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xBEF7, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: TemperatureMeasurement >, lqi: 0xCA, rssi: -68, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x17, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Int16, MeasuredValue: 1718 > > > >
2023-06-03T10:07:02.357057835+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in zigbee-water
2023-06-03T10:07:02.357916501+00:00 INFO Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: TemperatureMeasurement, attribute: MeasuredValue
2023-06-03T10:07:02.360750168+00:00 INFO Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  <ZigbeeDevice: f454da54-513f-4448-890f-16959e9eb705 [0xBEF7] (Utility Water)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"temperature","capability_id":"temperatureMeasurement","component_id":"main","state":{"unit":"C","value":17.18}}
2023-06-03T10:07:02.363395835+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Utility Water device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:02.616098835+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Received event with handler zigbee
2023-06-03T10:07:02.622043835+00:00 INFO Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  <ZigbeeDevice: f454da54-513f-4448-890f-16959e9eb705 [0xBEF7] (Utility Water)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xBEF7, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IASZone >, lqi: 0xC4, rssi: -68, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x08, seqno: 0x18, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0002, DataType: Bitmap16, ZoneStatus: 0x0020 > > > >
2023-06-03T10:07:02.645573501+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in zigbee-water
2023-06-03T10:07:02.646401501+00:00 INFO Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IASZone, attribute: ZoneStatus
2023-06-03T10:07:02.652835501+00:00 INFO Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  <ZigbeeDevice: f454da54-513f-4448-890f-16959e9eb705 [0xBEF7] (Utility Water)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"water","capability_id":"waterSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"dry"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:02.660083168+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  Utility Water device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:03.128813835+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:06.281731503+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.13  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:15.073022507+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  Response:       [string "socket"]:1555: timeout string
2023-06-03T10:07:15.082581841+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Current state: online
2023-06-03T10:07:15.083429507+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Failed 1 times
2023-06-03T10:07:15.084613841+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Retrying in 5 seconds
2023-06-03T10:07:15.085780841+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:15.092009174+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:22.141861511+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  Response:       [string "socket"]:1555: timeout string
2023-06-03T10:07:22.152558177+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Current state: online
2023-06-03T10:07:22.153419511+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Failed 2 times
2023-06-03T10:07:22.154596511+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Retrying in 5 seconds
2023-06-03T10:07:22.155762844+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:22.160418177+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:23.709875845+00:00 DEBUG Aqara/Xiaomi Temperature 1.3  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:23.715207511+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:29.912956181+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  Response:       [string "socket"]:1555: timeout string
2023-06-03T10:07:29.914594514+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Current state: online
2023-06-03T10:07:29.915843848+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Failed 3 times
2023-06-03T10:07:29.917017848+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  <Device: bf938913-1b42-43af-ac38-13648d3530e6 (Edgebridge Monitor)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"status","capability_id":"partyvoice23922.onlinestatus","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"offline"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:29.921986181+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:32.071028182+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  Response:       [string "socket"]:1555: timeout string
2023-06-03T10:07:32.076234182+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Current state: offline
2023-06-03T10:07:32.077092849+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:33.138453516+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:36.291727517+00:00 DEBUG Xiaomi/Aqara Switch and Button v1.13  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:37.111953851+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Received event with handler zigbee
2023-06-03T10:07:37.112916518+00:00 INFO Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  <ZigbeeDevice: 4efd05c1-16bd-4532-a193-91cef5d2e876 [0xC6DA] (Kitchen Motion Sensor)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xC6DA, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: IlluminanceMeasurement >, lqi: 0xD4, rssi: -65, body_length: 0x0008, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x2A, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Uint16, MeasuredValue: 0x01EE > > > >
2023-06-03T10:07:37.132963518+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  tuya.can_handle():  false 'Kitchen Motion Sensor'  LUMI/lumi.sensor_motion.aq2
2023-06-03T10:07:37.133813518+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  tuya.can_handle():  false 'Kitchen Motion Sensor'  LUMI/lumi.sensor_motion.aq2
2023-06-03T10:07:37.135032185+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in Zigbee sensors driver -> Xiaomi Motion Sensor
2023-06-03T10:07:37.136380518+00:00 INFO Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: IlluminanceMeasurement, attribute: MeasuredValue
2023-06-03T10:07:37.142018185+00:00 INFO Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  <ZigbeeDevice: 4efd05c1-16bd-4532-a193-91cef5d2e876 [0xC6DA] (Kitchen Motion Sensor)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"illuminance","capability_id":"illuminanceMeasurement","component_id":"main","state":{"value":494}}
2023-06-03T10:07:37.172297851+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Kitchen Motion Sensor device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:37.173145851+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Received event with handler zigbee
2023-06-03T10:07:37.174718851+00:00 INFO Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  <ZigbeeDevice: 4efd05c1-16bd-4532-a193-91cef5d2e876 [0xC6DA] (Kitchen Motion Sensor)> received Zigbee message: < ZigbeeMessageRx || type: 0x00, < AddressHeader || src_addr: 0xC6DA, src_endpoint: 0x01, dest_addr: 0x0000, dest_endpoint: 0x01, profile: 0x0104, cluster: OccupancySensing >, lqi: 0xC8, rssi: -67, body_length: 0x0007, < ZCLMessageBody || < ZCLHeader || frame_ctrl: 0x18, seqno: 0x2B, ZCLCommandId: 0x0A >, < ReportAttribute || < AttributeRecord || AttributeId: 0x0000, DataType: Bitmap8, Occupancy: Occupancy[0x01] > > > >
2023-06-03T10:07:37.183420851+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  tuya.can_handle():  false 'Kitchen Motion Sensor'  LUMI/lumi.sensor_motion.aq2
2023-06-03T10:07:37.189635185+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  tuya.can_handle():  false 'Kitchen Motion Sensor'  LUMI/lumi.sensor_motion.aq2
2023-06-03T10:07:37.190563185+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Found ZigbeeMessageDispatcher handler in Zigbee sensors driver -> Xiaomi Motion Sensor
2023-06-03T10:07:37.191801851+00:00 INFO Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Executing ZclClusterAttributeValueHandler: cluster: OccupancySensing, attribute: Occupancy
2023-06-03T10:07:37.215378851+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  handle_motion_detected(): timer scheduled interval=30.0 tid={class="timer{}", inner_sock={timeout=0, timer_uuid="7252a9f6-b2d7-4838-9be1-9edf33c9e519"}} time=Sat Jun  3 10:07:37 2023
2023-06-03T10:07:37.219168518+00:00 INFO Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  <ZigbeeDevice: 4efd05c1-16bd-4532-a193-91cef5d2e876 [0xC6DA] (Kitchen Motion Sensor)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"motion","capability_id":"motionSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"active"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:37.231506185+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Kitchen Motion Sensor device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:37.237352518+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Sensors Edge Driver [YG] 1.8.16  Kitchen Motion Sensor device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:45.056012188+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  Response:       [string "socket"]:1555: timeout string
2023-06-03T10:07:45.059460188+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  Current state: offline
2023-06-03T10:07:45.063627522+00:00 DEBUG Edgebridge Monitor V1  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:46.731522522+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:46.740398856+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:46.754256522+00:00 WARN LAN Contact Device Driver V1  No matching configured name found
2023-06-03T10:07:46.792302856+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:46.796792856+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Received:        POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:46.828315189+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Message from greenhouse: command=temperature, state=22.8
2023-06-03T10:07:46.829857189+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  <Device: 53c0e186-9e4d-4230-80a4-d9e8cad81dd6 (Greenhouse Temperature)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"temperature","capability_id":"temperatureMeasurement","component_id":"main","state":{"unit":"C","value":22.8}}
2023-06-03T10:07:46.861625189+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:46.870037523+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:46.882062523+00:00 WARN LAN Contact Device Driver V1  No matching configured name found
2023-06-03T10:07:46.913715856+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:46.922011189+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Received:        POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:46.947330189+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Message from greenhouse: command=humidity, state=79.4
2023-06-03T10:07:46.948888189+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  <Device: 53c0e186-9e4d-4230-80a4-d9e8cad81dd6 (Greenhouse Temperature)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"humidity","capability_id":"relativeHumidityMeasurement","component_id":"main","state":{"value":79.4}}
2023-06-03T10:07:46.983103856+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:46.991717189+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:47.004022189+00:00 WARN LAN Contact Device Driver V1  No matching configured name found
2023-06-03T10:07:47.035529856+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:47.046399189+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Received:        POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:47.062301856+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Message from greenhouse: command=temperature, state=22.9
2023-06-03T10:07:47.069655523+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  <Device: 53c0e186-9e4d-4230-80a4-d9e8cad81dd6 (Greenhouse Temperature)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"temperature","capability_id":"temperatureMeasurement","component_id":"main","state":{"unit":"C","value":22.9}}
2023-06-03T10:07:47.389815523+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:47.445108523+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:47.461242523+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Message from motionlounge: command=motion, state=inactive
2023-06-03T10:07:47.468141523+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  <Device: ec741da2-0405-4630-ac84-08656b5a85fc (Lounge Motion)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"motion","capability_id":"motionSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"inactive"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:47.502646856+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:47.510980189+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:47.518901189+00:00 ERROR LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Unexpected HTTP method received:        GET
2023-06-03T10:07:48.255344523+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:48.269140190+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:48.281242523+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Message from motionlounge: command=motion, state=active
2023-06-03T10:07:48.288270857+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  <Device: ec741da2-0405-4630-ac84-08656b5a85fc (Lounge Motion)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"motion","capability_id":"motionSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"active"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:48.322725523+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:48.330962190+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:48.338916523+00:00 ERROR LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Unexpected HTTP method received:        GET
2023-06-03T10:07:48.369072190+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:48.377370857+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:48.391434857+00:00 WARN LAN Contact Device Driver V1  No matching configured name found
2023-06-03T10:07:48.421256523+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:48.429467857+00:00 DEBUG LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Received:        POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:48.455027190+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  Message from greenhousewater: command=temperature, state=19.25
2023-06-03T10:07:48.459994190+00:00 INFO LAN Temp-Humidity Driver V1  <Device: 267bc40c-a71d-4644-849b-d99087be14bb (Hydroponics Water Temperature)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"temperature","capability_id":"temperatureMeasurement","component_id":"main","state":{"unit":"C","value":19.25}}
2023-06-03T10:07:49.815934191+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:49.824859191+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:49.856957524+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Message from motionlounge: command=motion, state=inactive
2023-06-03T10:07:49.858594191+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  <Device: ec741da2-0405-4630-ac84-08656b5a85fc (Lounge Motion)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"motion","capability_id":"motionSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"inactive"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:49.891214524+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:49.902675857+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:49.909502191+00:00 ERROR LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Unexpected HTTP method received:        GET
2023-06-03T10:07:50.586537524+00:00 PRINT Tasmota Edge  [cmd:refresh] For "Nathan's Light", IP: "", type: "PHYSICAL"
2023-06-03T10:07:50.893676858+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:50.952300524+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:50.982705191+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Message from motionlounge: command=motion, state=active
2023-06-03T10:07:50.984263191+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  <Device: ec741da2-0405-4630-ac84-08656b5a85fc (Lounge Motion)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"motion","capability_id":"motionSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"active"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:51.019517191+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:51.027520858+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:51.039121191+00:00 ERROR LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Unexpected HTTP method received:        GET
2023-06-03T10:07:51.160532191+00:00 INFO Tasmota Edge  <Device: 24316c81-17f1-4a01-aadb-271f49422a1a (Tasmota Device Creator)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"supportedDevices","capability_id":"voicehouse43588.tasmotaDevice","component_id":"main","state":{"value":["tasmota-fan","tasmota-generic-switch","tasmota-metering-switch","tasmota-dimmer-switch","tasmota-contact-sensor","tasmota-light-cct","tasmota-light-rgbw","tasmota-light-rgb","tasmota-ir-bridge","tasmota-rf-bridge","http-button","http-switch","http-shade","wled"]},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2023-06-03T10:07:51.167007858+00:00 INFO Tasmota Edge  <Device: 24316c81-17f1-4a01-aadb-271f49422a1a (Tasmota Device Creator)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"edition","capability_id":"voicehouse43588.tasmotaEdge","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"<table style=\"width:100%;padding:0;margin:0\"><tr><td>2023.5.1 (Free Edition)</td></tr><tr><td style=\"font-size:70%;\">1 device(s)</td></tr></table>"},"visibility":{"displayed":false}}
2023-06-03T10:07:51.192975525+00:00 PRINT Tasmota Edge  [cmd:event] For: "Nathan's Light", DNI: "AS:PHY:766ab4f8-945e-414f-27cf-be2e03d4b736", IP: "", Parsed: "{ip="", lqi=90, mac="C82B96E60507", power="off", rssi=-55, switch1="on", version="12.4.0(tasmota)"}"
2023-06-03T10:07:51.201173858+00:00 INFO Tasmota Edge  <Device: 46389e5e-1871-49f2-b000-8ce294d11aa9 (Nathan's Light)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"switch","capability_id":"switch","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"off"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:51.212020191+00:00 INFO Tasmota Edge  <Device: 46389e5e-1871-49f2-b000-8ce294d11aa9 (Nathan's Light)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"lqi","capability_id":"signalStrength","component_id":"main","state":{"value":90},"visibility":{"displayed":true}}
2023-06-03T10:07:51.230391191+00:00 INFO Tasmota Edge  <Device: 46389e5e-1871-49f2-b000-8ce294d11aa9 (Nathan's Light)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"rssi","capability_id":"signalStrength","component_id":"main","state":{"value":-55},"visibility":{"displayed":true}}
2023-06-03T10:07:51.241305191+00:00 DEBUG Tasmota Edge  Nathan's Light device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:52.551220859+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:52.560055525+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:52.594790525+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Message from motionlounge: command=motion, state=inactive
2023-06-03T10:07:52.601563859+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  <Device: ec741da2-0405-4630-ac84-08656b5a85fc (Lounge Motion)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"motion","capability_id":"motionSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"inactive"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:52.662667192+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:52.673697859+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:52.682750192+00:00 ERROR LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Unexpected HTTP method received:        GET
2023-06-03T10:07:53.717178192+00:00 DEBUG Aqara/Xiaomi Temperature 1.3  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:53.726750859+00:00 DEBUG Zigbee Water Leak Sensor  driver device thread event handled
2023-06-03T10:07:56.600149527+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:56.647677861+00:00 DEBUG LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:56.664268194+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  Message from motionlounge: command=motion, state=active
2023-06-03T10:07:56.671482194+00:00 INFO LAN Motion Device Driver 1.5  <Device: ec741da2-0405-4630-ac84-08656b5a85fc (Lounge Motion)> emitting event: {"attribute_id":"motion","capability_id":"motionSensor","component_id":"main","state":{"value":"active"}}
2023-06-03T10:07:56.711015194+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Accepted connection from
2023-06-03T10:07:56.719332194+00:00 DEBUG LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Received:       POST / HTTP/1.1
2023-06-03T10:07:56.728271194+00:00 ERROR LAN Contact Device Driver V1  Unexpected HTTP method received:        GET
2023-06-03T10:07:58.067070861+00:00 INFO Edgebridge Monitor V1  Response:       200     number

With the EdgeBridge, I couldnt post here as its too many characters, but I can, however there is nothing in the log, it just stops, then starts again once its recovered.

Interestingly, the CLI is reporting it is receiving a POST for a device that isnt configured:

WARN LAN Contact Device Driver V1 No matching configured name found

And also that it is getting an unexpected HTTP method:

ERROR LAN Contact Device Driver V1 Unexpected HTTP method received: GET

No idea if this is related as this hanging/stalling only occurs when the Temp/Humidity devices are on and reporting to the EdgeBridge.

Hopefully this is what you are after but if it isnt let me know and I will gather more information, although I might need some guidance :slight_smile:

Since running the CLI and it reporting there were one or more devices clocking in with the wrong name, or sending the wrong type of message I have gone back through my ‘generic’ code for my ESP devices, and removed each device on each ESP that wasnt being used and this along with only reporting temperature after a .5 change, humidity after a 10% change and only every 30 minutes the EdgeBridge seems to be a lot happier. I am going to leave this now as these temp/humidity devices are not critical and what I am getting is good enough for my needs. Thanks for taking the time to assist with suggestions anyway, its appreciated.

Glad things are working better for you. I wish I could have reproduced the issues you were seeing to figure out where things were getting hung up, but too many variables. It’s possible that you were simply hitting the edgebridge app so often with invalid transactions that it was bogging it down.

Regarding the frequency of temp/humidity updates, keep in mind also that there is a rate limit in the SmartThings platform that throttles the number of state updates to 12 per minute.

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For everyone’s awareness, I have just posted an update to the edgebridge application on github.

This update fixes a problem I found with the handling of special character encoding. If response data from an internet request contained special characters such as those found in Scandinavian/Nordic languages, there are cases where the response sent back to the Edge driver could be truncated. Each of the versions of edgebridge - Python, Pi executable, and Windows executable - have been updated to fix this.

If you think you have been affected by this bug, update now! For all others, update your files at your leisure.

Note that you only have to update the application file, you can leave your configuration file (edgebridge.cfg) as-is so as not to lose your settings.


I finally took the time to set this up. I used my QNAP NAS and installed the Ubuntu Linux Station app and installed the Ubuntu 22.04 version available. The QNAP installed everything needed by default for Ubuntu to run the Python EdgeBridge.py script. So now I need to upgrade the memory in my QNAP so I can keep this Ubuntu VM running 24x7, and then set it to auto start the EdgeBridge.py Phyton script at startup.


NOTICE!: A Raspberry Pi executable for 64-bit OS is now available on the Edgebridge github repository. If you try it, let me know how you make out.

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I managed to get the Docker version of Edgebridge set up today and I did a writeup of how I did it, in case it helps anyone.

Running Edgebridge Docker for SmartThings

  1. Download the Edgebridge files from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/toddaustin07/edgebridge

  1. Copy the edgebridge.py, requirements.txt & edgebridge.cfg files into the docker directory
cd edgebridge/docker
cp -pr ../edgebridge.py .
cp -pr ../requirements.txt .
cp -pr ../edgebridge.cfg .
  1. Edit the edgebridge.cfg file to disable console output and enable log if desired.

  2. Build the Docker image from the docker directory

sudo docker build . --network=host --tag toddaustin07/edgebridge

  1. Run the Docker image

sudo docker run --detach --restart=always --network=host --volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --name edgebridge toddaustin07/edgebridge

Note: I added the --volume option because my edgebridge log file was defaulting to UTC time zone when running inside the docker container.

  1. Use the following command to view the Edgebridge log file

sudo docker exec edgebridge cat edgebridge.log


Awesome! Thanks for sharing that. Could you do me a favor and take a look at the Docker folder in the repository and let me know if I should replace that with your instructions, or we somehow merge them?

You could maybe merge it as a non Docker compose method. Note that I am not a Docker expert so someone with more experience may want to review these instructions and provide feedback. So far they have worked well for me and the edgebridge server has been running successfully for both PurpleAir and Edge Weather.

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>>Edgebridge Update Notice<<

Two features have been added:

  • Support for PUT methods in forwarded HTTP messages
  • Ability to specify server IP address in configuration file for cases where multiple network adapters are present

All forms of edgebridge have been updated: Python script, 32- and 64-bit Pi executable, and Windows executable. The config file template has also been updated to show the optional Server IP option.

See the Edgebridge GIT repository for README and files.