I am observing that the infoChange lifecycle is intermittently called several times in a row when any preference is changed. Normally type boolean
This life cycle is called by changing the preference value on each call.
In most cases it works fine, in others it is called 2 times and in others 3 or four times in a row (less than 1 sec) and in other times infoChange is not called and in the next one it is called twice.
I think @TAustin had reported something issue, but I can’t find his post
This example I change a preference from true to false and generates 4 calls to infochange and changes from true to false and false to true and true to false.
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
I’ve seen this happening but it isn’t new, been seeing this for many months. I just handle it within the driver.
Slightly off topic: What’s more concerning is that the hub doesn’t always pick the custom edge drivers once they are installed and sometimes it can take a day or so before it recognizes them. I have a bunch of open tickets with ST about odd behaviors related to edge drivers.
Hi, @Mariano_Colmenarejo
Sorry for the delay. Yes, I’ve seen a similar report in the past but it happened with a specific configuration of a developer with many preferences in the profile
Could you share your profile where this issue is present so I can run some tests, please?
In the tests I made for the first case reported I also saw it wasn’t consistent but still documented it for the team, so now that there’s another case we can ask them to recheck it.
name: rgbw-level-colortemp-2000-6500
- id: main
- id: switch
version: 1
- id: switchLevel
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.levelSteps
version: 1
- id: colorTemperature
version: 1
- key: "colorTemperature.value"
range: [ 2000, 6500 ]
- id: legendabsolute60149.colorTemperatureSteps
version: 1
- id: colorControl
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.hueSteps
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.randomOnOff1
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.randomNextStep
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.progressiveOn1
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.progressiveOff1
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.forcedOnLevel
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.circadian
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.colorChanging
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.colorChangeTimer
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.colorChangeMode1
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.effectsSetCommand
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.mirrorGroupFunction
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.getGroups
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.signalMetrics
version: 1
- id: legendabsolute60149.driverVersion1
version: 1
- id: refresh
version: 1
- id: firmwareUpdate
version: 1
- name: Light
- name: "version"
title: "Version 6.4 (Mar 2024)"
description: "Added: Device custom Circadian Period"
required: false
preferenceType: string
stringType: text
minLength: 0
maxLength: 0
default: ""
- name: "onOffReports"
title: "Device On-Off Interval Report"
description: "IF YOUR DEVICE & NETWORK WORK FINE THEN DON'T TOUCH. Set Device Interval Report (300 to 1200 sec). Smartthings Default = 300. Longer intervals reduce zigbee network traffic and Hub work. If Offline states occur with high values, then reduce the interval. Restore default Value before Driver Change."
required: true
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 300
maximum: 1200
default: 300
- name: "localTimeOffset"
title: "Local Time Offset to UTC (-12 to 12)"
description: "Select Your Local Time Offset to UTC Time Hours (-12 to 12, Default:0)."
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: -12
maximum: 12
default: 0
- name: "groupChild"
title: "Create Device Mirror Group Control"
description: "Create Virtual Device for Control a Mirror Group created with devices paired with this driver:"
required: false
preferenceType: boolean
default: false
- name: "onOffGroup"
title: "Assign to one Mirror Group"
description: "Assign this Device to one Mirror Group. 0 = Not Group Assigned (defualt: 0)"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 0
maximum: 10
default: 0
- name: "changeProfile"
title: "Select Profile for Color Temperature"
description: "WARNING CHECK YOUR PREFERENCES: Color Temp Max and Min must be into the Profile Color Temperature Range. Select Profile for Color Temperature, (Default: 2000k-6500k)."
required: false
preferenceType: enumeration
"20006500": "RGBW-2000k-6500k"
"22004000": "RGBW-2200k-4000k"
"27006500": "RGBW-2700k-6500k"
"RGB": "RGB"
default: "20006500"
- name: "restoreState"
title: "ATTEMPT Restore State if Power Lost"
description: "WARNNING: COULD NOT WORK\n After the power supply is back on, the State can be restored to previous state or remain switched off (Default: Device restores previous state)"
required: false
preferenceType: enumeration
"0": "Device remains switched Off"
"1": "Device remains switched On"
"255": "Device restores previous state"
default: "255"
- name: "onTransTime"
title: "Turn ON and OFF Transition Time(sec)"
description: "Select Transition Time to Turn ON to last Level or OFF (0 to 3600 sec, Default: 0). WARNING: If the device is not able to move at a variable rate, the Transition time field MAY be disregarded and not will work"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 3600
default: 0
- name: "levelTransTime"
title: "Transition Time to New Level(sec)"
description: "Select Transition Time to Move New Level (0 to 3600 sec, Default: 0). WARNING: If the device is not able to move at a variable rate, the Transition time field MAY be disregarded and not will work"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 3600
default: 0
- name: "tempTransTime"
title: "Transition Time New ColorTemp(sec)"
description: "Select Transition Time to Move New Color Temperature (0 to 3600 sec, Default: 0). WARNING: If the device is not able to move at a variable rate, the Transition time field MAY be disregarded and not will work"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 3600
default: 0
- name: "colorTransTime"
title: "Transition Time to New Color(sec)"
description: "Select Transition Time to Move New Color (0 to 3600 sec, Default: 0). WARNING: If the device is not able to move at a variable rate, the Transition time field MAY be disregarded and not will work"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 3600
default: 0
- name: "onTimeMax"
title: "Turn (ON) Time to End Level(min)"
description: "Select Time to reach the End Level with Progressive ON function: 6 sec to 45 min (0.1 min to 45 min, Default: 10)"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0.1
maximum: 45
default: 10
- name: "onLevelStart"
title: "Turn (ON) Start Level %"
description: "Select Start Level when Turn ON with Progressive On function. (1 to 100, Default: 1)"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 1
maximum: 100
default: 1
- name: "onLevelEnd"
title: "Turn (ON) End Level %"
description: "Select End Level when Turn ON with Progressive On function. (1 to 100, Default: 100)"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 1
maximum: 100
default: 100
- name: "offTimeMax"
title: "Turn (OFF) Time to End Level (min)"
description: "Select Time to reach the End Level with Progressive OFF function: 6 sec to 45 min (0.1 min to 45 min, Default: 10)"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0.1
maximum: 45
default: 10
- name: "offLevelEnd"
title: "Turn (OFF) End Level %"
description: "Select End Level when Turn OFF with Progressive OFF function:(0 to 100, Default: 0)"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 0
maximum: 100
default: 0
- name: "ifPushSwitch"
title: "If Switch Pushed when Running:"
description: "Select Action if Switch Pushed when dimming is Running: (Default: Light Turn Off)"
required: false
preferenceType: enumeration
"End" : "Go to End Level Selected"
"Stop": "Stop Dimming"
"Off" : "Light Turn Off "
"Change": "Invert Dimming Direction"
default: "Off"
- name: "randomMin"
title: "Random ON-OFF Minimum Time"
description: "Select Minimum Time for Random ON-OFF Interval: (0.5 min to 25 min, Default: 1)"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0.5
maximum: 25
default: 1
- name: "randomMax"
title: "Random ON-OFF Maximum Time"
description: "Select Maximum Time for Random ON-OFF Interval (0.5 min to 25 min, Default: 10)"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0.5
maximum: 25
default: 10
- name: "progLevelColor"
title: "Progressive (Level-TempColor) Active"
description: "Select Progressive Level-TempColor Active (Default: No)"
required: false
preferenceType: enumeration
"Yes" : "Yes"
"No" : "No"
default: "No"
- name: "circadianTimeStart"
title: "Local Time Circadian Period Start"
description: "Local Time for Circadian Period Start (4 h to 10 h). Default: 6h"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 4
maximum: 10
default: 6
- name: "circadianTimeEnd"
title: "Local Time Circadian Period End"
description: "Local Time for Circadian Period End (14 h to 24 h). Default :18"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 14
maximum: 24
default: 18
- name: "colorTempMinim"
title: "Color Temperature Min value (k)"
description: "Select Maximum Color Temp Increment value (2000k to 6000k, Default: 2000). Used as minimum Color Temp for Circadian function. Use as general limit if preference: Use ColorTemp Min and Max as limits = true"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 2000
maximum: 6000
default: 2000
- name: "colorTempMaxim"
title: "ColorTemp Increment Max value (k)"
description: "Select Maximum Color Temp Increment value (3000k to 6500k, Default: 6500). Used as maximum Color Temp for Circadian function. Use as general limit if preference: Use ColorTemp Min and Max as limits = true"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 3000
maximum: 6500
default: 6500
- name: "limitColorTemp"
title: "Use ColorTemp Min and Max as limits"
description: "Use ColorTemp Min and Max values as limits for this device"
required: false
preferenceType: boolean
default: false
- name: "circadLevelMin"
title: "Circadian Lighting MIN Level %"
description: "Select Minimum Level for Circadian Lighting function: (1 to 100, Default: 50)"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 1
maximum: 100
default: 50
- name: "circadLevelMax"
title: "Circadian Lighting MAX Level %"
description: "Select Maximum Level for Circadian Lighting function: (1 to 100, Default: 100)"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 1
maximum: 100
default: 100
- name: "circadianNightSetting"
title: "Use Circadian Night Minimum Settings"
description: "Use Circadian settings of minimum Color Temperature and Level as default Night Minimum Settings"
required: false
preferenceType: boolean
default: true
- name: "setLevelMin"
title: "Minimum Set Command Level %"
description: "Select Minimum Level for Set Command (0 to 99, Default: 0)"
required: false
preferenceType: integer
minimum: 0
maximum: 99
default: 0
- name: "levelExtStepsMode"
title: "External Level Steps Operation Mode"
description: "External Level Steps Operation Mode. (Default: Change in +/- value step). The received value is increased or decreased in one step or varied at the rate of the received value for each second, until receiving value = 0 or reaching 0% or 100%"
required: false
preferenceType: enumeration
"Step": "Change in +/- value step"
"Continuos": "Change in +/- value rate level"
default: "Step"
- name: "groupAdd"
title: "Add Device to Group Number"
description: "Insert Group number to Add this device. Value = 0, Get All Groups in History Events, (Default: 0)"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 65535
default: 0
- name: "groupRemove"
title: "Remove Device Group Number"
description: "Insert Group number to Remove from this device. Value = 0, all Groups Removed"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 0
maximum: 65535
default: 1
- name: "blinkTimer"
title: "Set Blink Time interval (sec)"
description: "Set Blink Time interval in sec (1 sec to 30 sec, Default: 3)"
required: false
preferenceType: number
minimum: 1
maximum: 30
default: 3
- name: "signalMetricsVisibles"
title: "Signal Metrics Visible in History"
description: "Signal Metrics Visible in App History, Default, (Signal Metrics No Visible)"
required: false
preferenceType: enumeration
"Yes": "Signal Metrics Visible"
"No": "Signal Metrics No Visible"
default: "No"
- name: "logDebugPrint"
title: "Show Logs Debug Prints in CLI"
required: false
preferenceType: boolean
default: false
deviceType: Light
ocfDeviceType: oic.d.light
deviceTypeId: Light