(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc

In the above post are the use instructions when i published the beta version

Yeah perhaps it’s me. I create the group from a light. Assign all desired lights to the group (ie example group 1) insure that it’s clicked active on each desired light, and the mirror groups does nothing for me. Can turn it on and off all day and it has zero effect on the lights theoretically paired to it .

Which one turns on and off, the child mirror group or the parent light?

Is the mirror group also activated on the child mirror device?

Group is activated on both child and group. It’s group 0 (I’ve tried changing to 1 it does the same) however one thing I notice if I change the color on the actual light it changes the color on the mirror group. But that’s it.

Changing on the mirror group does nothing, and adding a second light also does nothing, meaning that second light has no control over the mirror group, and the first light has no control over the second light.

Wait it’s suddenly working now, ha!

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It must be a number greater than 0, a value of zero disables it.

@Mariano_Colmenarejo Profile request! I got a zigbee β€œartifical skylight” that has a very wide color range to mimic the sun. It goes up to 8000k, but as best I can tell the Color Temperature Profiles in your driver only go up to 6500. Can you expand the limit or add a new profile?

Wath are your device model for assign a new profile?

Sure! It’s a niche product called Blue Sky Light from Empowline.
However, the name in Smartthings is quite different. Is this what you need?

Manufacturer: _TZ3210_s1x7gcq0
Model: TS0502B

Could you post a screenshot of the device history to see the supported clusters?

Is a dimmer and color temperature device?

Yes, that’s right - it’s a dimmer and color temperature device.
Here is the history:

Added to this driver version

You need uninstall device and reinstall with this driver version installed

 Name         Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc             
 Version      2024-11-25T22:23:33.811333984        
- id: "_TZ3210_s1x7gcq0/TS0502B"
    deviceLabel: TS0502B LED
    manufacturer: _TZ3210_s1x7gcq0
    model: TS0502B
    deviceProfileName: level-colortemp-2000-8000

Hello, Mariano.
First of all, I appologize about my poor English skill.
Can I ask something?

I have four β€˜TRADFRI bulb E14 CWS opal 600lm’ that I bought 2021. That was work with the driver β€˜Zigbee Multilight Function MC’ until now. About from over 1 years ago, I can’t control RGB color, color temperature any more. When that time, I had busy days so that was neglect. ;(

I tried to re-connect over 10 times and reset hub. And I tried to re-connect again one more time today. But still I can’t control. The bulb was fixed color temperature 2700K. All I can control is bright level.
I can control the color on the app, but the bulb was not change. Color temperature, neither.

Sir, If you know my trouble or solution, please let me know.
I really want to use bulb that changed color.

  • Model : TRADFRI bulb E14 CWS opal 600lm
  • Manufacturer Code : IKEA of Sweden

Did you get this worked out with dimming innr bulbs. I have the same problem and innr support was a waste.

Hi @Almond

Added to this driver version

You need uninstall device and reinstall with this driver version installed in your hub

 Name         Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc             
 Version      2024-11-26T22:18:57.046667926        
- id: "TRADFRI bulb E14 CWS opal 600lm"
    deviceLabel: IKEA E26 Bulb
    manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
    model: TRADFRI bulb E14 CWS opal 600lm
    deviceProfileName: rgbw-level-colortemp-2000-6500

Can you add Innr Bulb model AE 262? It’s a dimmable zigbee bulb but using the default SmartThings driver once the bulb is dimmed you can’t increase the brightness.

It works! Thank you :smile:

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