(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Drivers for Motion, Open/Close, Moisture, Smoke-Co Sensors and others Devices

Hi @blu3dye
If they imitated daylight all day long, at 1 a.m. they should be turned off… Just kidding, I understand what you mean

Circadian lighting simulates the color temperature and intensity of sunlight based on the position of the sun on a standard 12-hour day, it could be lengthened, shortened or shifted depending on sunset and sunrise, but for use in areas of high North/South latitudes would not make any sense, since precisely what they need is to simulate a standard day of light that they do not have.

At first version, I set that after 6 pm and until 6 am it would turn on with the values of 6 pm, as you requested, but someone asked me to change it, so that it would keep the last values that the user has set, since when night comes what they need is to adjust it for dinner,… or whatever they need at that moment and in this way they do not have to constantly adjust to the personalized values.

So, to adjust it to all needs, I would have to add another preference, since they already have so many that hardly anyone knows what they are for.

When I have it I’ll let you know

Hi @Mitokafander
Added to this driver version

 Name         Zigbee Contact Mc
 Version      2023-02-04T11:18:47.35141645
- id: "_TZ3000_au1rjicn/Close Sensor"
    deviceLabel: TS0203 Close Sensor
    manufacturer: _TZ3000_au1rjicn
    model: TS0203
    deviceProfileName: contact-battery-profile
1 Like

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo
According to @orenasher this _TYZB01_b1ngbmlm never transmitted power
here are some logs:

Hi @3asmarthome

Added to this driver version

 Name         Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc        
 Version      2023-02-04T12:35:53.623171805        
- id: "3A-Smart-Home/LXN56-DC27LX1.1"
    deviceLabel: Nue Inline Dimmer
    manufacturer: 3A Smart Home DE
    model: LXN56-DC27LX1.1
    deviceProfileName: switch-level
  - id: "3A-Smart-Home/LXN56-DS27LX1.1"
    deviceLabel: Nue Dimmer Switch
    manufacturer: 3A Smart Home DE
    model: LXN56-DS27LX1.1
    deviceProfileName: switch-level
  - id: "3A-Smart-Home/LXN60-DS27LX1.3"
    deviceLabel: Nue Dimmer Switch
    manufacturer: 3A Smart Home DE
    model: LXN60-DS27LX1.3
    deviceProfileName: switch-level
  - id: "3A-Smart-Home/LXN56-DS27LX1.3"
    deviceLabel: Nue Dimmer Switch
    manufacturer: 3A Smart Home DE
    model: LXN56-DS27LX1.3
    deviceProfileName: switch-level

Hi @dotan_shai @orenasher

It would be necessary for him to send me the logs of when the device is paired to see that it responds to the configuration.

I also have a similar device that says it has clusters 0x0702 and 0x0B04 and then it doesn’t support them and therefore it doesn’t measure power and energy

@Mariano_Colmenarejo , @orenasher
Attached log while pairing… There are some


This device has 2 endpoints, with power and energy measurement on both.

I think it would be necessary to pass it to the zigbee multi switch

Does it has a USB port?

2023-02-04T13:25:47.224036404+00:00 TRACE Zigbee Switch Power Mc Zigbee Device: 78309d39-a094-4456-94c6-efbbf68512eaManufacturer: _TYZB01_b1ngbmlm Model: TS0112 [1]: Basic, Identify, Groups, Scenes, OnOff, SimpleMetering, ElectricalMeasurement [2]: Basic, Identify, Groups, Scenes, OnOff, SimpleMetering, ElectricalMeasurement

@Mariano_Colmenarejo , @orenasher

Yes , 2 USB sockets

Can you emit Power , and voltage in zigbee multi switch ?
I’ve never seen thay…

Have a quick question on the dimming function. Currently, the dimming is very harsh and furious while the dimming with the Zigbee Switch driver is a more pleasant smooth dimming.

I have played with the settings a little but either I am doing something wrong or it is simply not supported. Using IKEA Tradfri bulbs.

Other than that the driver seems to be rock solid with some interesting options.

Hi @MagnusBergs

You mean the transitions between level changes?

Thanks @Mariano_Colmenarejo. I pulled the driver code yesterday and added entries to the time angle and changed the > 5 and < 18 portions to widen the time frame. I packaged the code using ./smartthings.exe edge:drivers:package ./code/Edge-Drivers-Beta-main/zigbee-light-multifunction-v6

But when I try to create the channel using ./smartthings.exe edge:channels:create, it just stalls and does not create the channel. Am I doing something wrong?

@dotan_shai @orenasher

Try with this driver.

 Name         Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc     
 Version      2023-02-04T16:37:11.326201153        
- id: "TYZB01_b1ngbmlm/Plug"
    deviceLabel: TYZB01 Plug + USB
    manufacturer: _TYZB01_b1ngbmlm
    model: TS0112
    deviceProfileName: two-switch-power-energy

@Mariano_Colmenarejo , @orenasher
No Power metrics. here is a log.
Hope you can spot something

Could you send me the pairing log?

Yes, it is quite harsh.[quote=β€œMariano_Colmenarejo, post:3254, topic:231689, full:true”]

Hi @MagnusBergs

You mean the transitions between level changes?

Ikea bulbs have a default transition time between levels defined in the firmware.
This transition time causes certain functions to not perform correctly and was reported by several users until I overrode that default transition time for ikea light bulbs by sending atransition time 0x0000 value instead of the standard 0xFFFF.

  • When you do a routine where to set a colorTemperaturer and a level in the same routine it runs wrong or only one is set or the level values are wrong.
    Have you tried to make a routine of this type with the stock driver?
  • The circadian function did not work well with the ikea transition time and I had to disable it in this function.

Try the routine with the stock driver to see if it still fails, it may have been fixed by smartthings.

@Mariano_Colmenarejo , @orenasher
I already did … But with Power Switch driver.

Do you want to repeat and send pairing log with Multi Switch driver ?

Yes, i need see It with this driver

I created a scene which dims and changes the color temp and tried using both the Mc driver and the Zigbee Switch driver and both work. The difference is still the dimming as it is smooth with Zigbee Switch driver and instant with the Mc driver which looks and feels a bit funky when you are in the room.

Smartthings may have fixed it.

Install this driver version that sends the standard command to see if everything continues to work well, since you have ikea bulbs, you’ll tell me

 Name         Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc         
 Version      2023-02-05T17:18:35.867848564        