(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Drivers for Motion, Open/Close, Moisture, Smoke-Co Sensors and others Devices

Hi Mariano,
Thanks, I was actually the guy who discovered the “j” was missing and sent the info to 3asmarthome.
I have already rebooted, refreshed and powered up and down all my internet, hubs and router. I can see the new driver switches are connected but they just hang. I have tried to delete and reinstall, they do connect but will not update

Which hub uses v2,v3 or smart wifi?

New ST Hub firmware was pushed recently for the Wi-Fi hub. Mine was updated on Monday. Check and see if you have been updated to 45.11 from 43.5.

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If you have firmware version 45.11, it should work with Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc driver, but if it doesn’t work, you can try Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc-(OLD)

I have tried p Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc-(OLD) but does not work.

Could You pair device with Zigbee Thing Mc to see fingerprints and enpoints?

Can not pair with mc

Appreciated it. One more question. Can you tell me which edge driver can support ZigBee Dimmer switch?



Firmware is 45

Does anyone have a solution please?

If your device is paired with multi switch controller it has to be paired with zigbee thing Mc for sure.
Check that it is installed on your hub and make a driver change

Single dimmer csn works with zigbee light multifunction Mc.
If is double dimmer with zigbee Multi switch and Child Mc

Thanks Mariano. We have the following 1 Gang Dimmer switch. Can you help to add them into the zigbee light multifunction Mc fingerprint.

manufacturer: “3A Smart Home DE”,
model: “LXN56-DC27LX1.1”,
deviceJoinName: “Nue Inline Dimmer”

  1. manufacturer: “3A Smart Home DE”,
    model: “LXN56-DS27LX1.1”,
    deviceJoinName: “Nue Dimmer Switch”

  2. manufacturer: “3A Smart Home DE”,
    model: “LXN60-DS27LX1.3”,
    deviceJoinName: “Nue Dimmer Switch”

  3. manufacturer: “3A Smart Home DE”,
    model: “LXN56-DS27LX1.3”
    deviceJoinName: “Nue Dimmer Switch”



Hi Mariano,
I have installed the “zigbee thing Mc” and doesn’t work with Nue 4 gang FeiBit/FB56-ZSW1JKJ2.5 model.
The Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc driver did work for about a day now does not work at all.
The Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc-(OLD) does pair up however has limited functions and inconsistent and not all single switch works separately.
I was very happy with Zigbee Multi Switch and Child Mc driver when it worked, can you please review.

With this driver device does not work, only show the device fingerprints.

Since I added the fingerprints I haven’t changed anything in the driver, in fact I couldn’t do anything, I don’t have access to the cli.

The Child devices of the -(OLD) driver are incompatible with the Mc driver, some are LAN type and others are CHILD_EDGE type.
If you change the driver you have to delete the child devices and recreate them.

I have deleted and reconnected many times with the same result. Perhaps its my peoces? Do you have an indication video from start to finish?

Processes. I ment say.

Sorry, I can’t believe it will pair to zigbee multi switch controller and can’t switch to Zigbee thing Mc controller, which will pair with any zigbee device.

Please take a screenshot of the divers that app are offered when you click on use another driver


Thank you for helping this community by expanding the products into smartthings.

A ZigBee contact sensor. Can this be added please?

Thank you!
