If you are using beta firmware 49.7 on your hub, it is possible that when you change from @veonua ’s driver to mine, the clusters and power and energy attributes are not configured.
Hi @nayelyz
This behavior must be linked to a problem that is happening when a driver change is made.
Until now, when a driver change was made, the lifecycles were executed and in this order:
Now I am seeing that in some cases they only execute lifecycles added and driverSwitched and this causes drivers that need to execute a code in this init lifecycle, when a driver change is made sometimes the device does not work correctly.
To try to understand what is happening I have created an identical copy of the Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc driver called Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc-COPY
the Provisioning State PROVISIONED in the device in the original Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc driver
I make a driver change to the Zigbee Light Multifunction Mc-COP…
So you should reinstall the device directly with the driver