(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Edge Drivers and others with FIBARO devices:

(NEW RELEASE) Z-Wave Bulb Mc:


  • At the request of @dotan_shai and @jahrin, Fibaro RGBW Controller 2, model 442 has been added
  • Tested the basic functions by @jahrin, it works fine
  - id: Fibaro_RGBW_Controller-2
    deviceLabel: Fibaro Light
    manufacturerId: 0x010F
    productType: 0x0902
    # productId: 0x1000
    deviceProfileName: fibaro-rgbw-controller-2
  • The details view is similar to the 441 model, adding 4 buttons that are used to make Routines with the scenes sent with the switches connected to the IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4 inputs.

  • All the configuration parameters have been added, except association and reaction to alarms, since they can be done with automations.

  • Also added the RGBW Dimmer Zooz-Zen31 since they are the same and share DTH
  - id: Zooz_RGBW_Dimmer
    deviceLabel: Zooz RGBW Dimmer
    manufacturerId: 0x027A
    productType: 0x0902
    productId: 0x2000
    deviceProfileName: fibaro-rgbw-controller-2
  • Added for 441 and 442 and Zooz the Multiple tile option in preferences, to be able to control the 3 Main, Rgb and White switches from the tile.

  • The update will be done automatically and optionally with the CLI.
  • There are still things to test, if someone finds something that doesn’t work well, please tell me and send the logs

Driver version:

│ Name        │ Z-Wave Bulb Mc                       │
│ Version     │ 2022-05-24T10:30:40.566731           │