(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Device Config Mc

I’m pretty sure I figured out the issue. Based on things I saw online I understood that the dimmers and accessory dimmers I bought were Z-Wave plus. Looking at the units themselves, they said Z-Wave. I’m guessing they didn’t have a DSK in the first place. Also, the manual I was looking at was for a Z-Wave plus unit. I think the one I had really only had 1 association group, which is why they were only showing one in the edge driver panels and why they couldn’t communicate with the Z-Wave plus master dimmer, which was expecting an accessory switch to send commands on groups 2 and 3. I paired it with an RF9640 unit I bought from the same place and that was of the same vintage and it works.

Thanks again for all your help!

One last question, the only defect in how they communicate now is if you turn off the RF9640 master dimmer and the RF9642 is still in on, the RF9642 stays in “on” condition. Not a huge deal, but next time you want to turn on the lights from an accessory switch, you have to turn it off first, then back on. Could I set the RF9640’s association groups to link back to the RF9642(s), so when I turn off the RF9640, it tells it/them also to turn off?

Thanks so much,

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