(EDGE Driver-Mc): Aplicaciones Virtuales Mc (virtual Switch Mirror, Virtual Calendar and virtual Switch Board...)


UTC offset to 0 happened also to me. My correct UTC offset is +2.

I think that this UTC offset to 0 happened when driver has updated on Tuesday 14.2.

Driver has calculated SunRise and SunSet correctly UTC 0.
Then I think that new driver update happened at 10.41 am.

Edit: In IDE

This is first time I saw in history log CurrentTimePeriod and CurrentTwilight.
Driver has calculated wrong SunRise and SunSet times using UTC offset 0.

On Wendesday

Driver has calculated SunRise and SunSet using UTC offset 0.

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Holding the settings since I set last time few hours ago, rebooted hub and still the offset is as set. Apparently the problem is solved.

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My hub offset time has held for over 24 hrs now so hopefully its good.

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This routine won’t fire off, any idea why?
In history, it shows Astronomical Twilight happened at 0650 pm, but no notification was sent, and the blinds didn’t close.

A routine with current time period: Night sent a notification as it should

Hi @Geir_Skalvik

Thanks for report this issue

now the valures wil be :

I have fixed it in this version of the driver.
You will have to redo the routines, sorry.

 Name         Aplicaciones Virtuales Mc
 Version      2023-02-19T11:30:26.620768014        

Hi @nayelyz I don’t know why the presentation of the capability does not execute the automations when the text value to be compared has a blank space between words.
I already had similar to this problem and reported to with another capability and I didn’t remember

This capability presentation does not fire the automations with condition values have a blank space:

    "dashboard": {
        "states": [
                "label": "{{currentTwilight.value}}"
        "actions": []
    "detailView": [
            "label": "Current Twilight",
            "displayType": "state",
            "state": {
                "label": "{{currentTwilight.value}}"
    "automation": {
        "conditions": [
                "label": "Current Twilight",
                "displayType": "list",
                "list": {
                    "alternatives": [
                            "key": "None",
                            "value": "None",
                            "type": "active"
                            "key": "CivilTwilight",
                            "value": "Civil Twilight",
                            "type": "active"
                            "key": "NauticalTwilight",
                            "value": "Nautical Twilight",
                            "type": "active"
                            "key": "AstronomicalTwilight",
                            "value": "Astronomical Twilight",
                            "type": "active"
                    "value": "currentTwilight.value",
                    "valueType": "string"
        "actions": []
    "id": "legendabsolute60149.currentTwilight",
    "version": 1

This presentation works fine:

    "dashboard": {
        "states": [
                "label": "{{currentTwilight.value}}"
        "actions": []
    "detailView": [
            "label": "Current Twilight",
            "displayType": "state",
            "state": {
                "label": "{{currentTwilight.value}}"
    "automation": {
        "conditions": [
                "label": "Current Twilight",
                "displayType": "list",
                "list": {
                    "alternatives": [
                            "key": "None",
                            "value": "None",
                            "type": "active"
                            "key": "Civil-Twilight",
                            "value": "Civil-Twilight",
                            "type": "active"
                            "key": "Nautical-Twilight",
                            "value": "Nautical-Twilight",
                            "type": "active"
                            "key": "Astronomical-Twilight",
                            "value": "Astronomical-Twilight",
                            "type": "active"
                    "value": "currentTwilight.value",
                    "valueType": "string"
        "actions": []
    "id": "legendabsolute60149.currentTwilight",
    "version": 1

You will have to redo the routines, sorry.

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Hola @Mariano_Colmenarejo
Everyday I spend in the community I find more β€œgreat surprises” from your drivers :wink:
Today it was the day to discover β€œAplicaciones Virtuales”. I’ve read the whole thread and installed it and created the Virtual Calendar.
However I don’t see some of the variables that you added like: β€œDay/Night”, β€œCivil Twilight”, etc.
I only see these ones: Local Date, Sun Rise, Sun Set, Day Length, Sun Rise Offset1, Sun Set Offset1 and Local Hour Offset.

My driver version is 2023-01-18T16:48:04.

Am I doing something wrong? I am planning to use this Calendar as I’ve seen many good ideas in this thread.

Hola @Fernando_Garcia
This is the last version.

If you only have created the virtual calendar you can:
delete the calendar device and the main device creator and then delete the old driver from your hub.

Then you go to my channel and install the latest version of the driver


With daylight savings time starting in just under 3 weeks in North America is there a way to automate the β€œLocal Hour Offset” each spring and fall?

In North America daylight savings time starts at 2 AM on the 2nd Sunday in March (March 12th this year) and ends at 2 AM on the 1st Sunday in November (November 5th this year). The problem is that the calendar date changes every year.

I could use IFTTT linked to Google calendar, but I don’t find IFTTT calendar Applets to be very reliable.


Got it, thanks. I knew I had to missing some trick.

I have 2 rules, 1 for spring, and another for fall… I didn’t bother with the hour, I’m asleep then.

   "name":"Daylight Savings Time - Spring Forward",
                           "month": 3,
                           "day": 8
                           "month": 3,
                           "day": 15

A post was split to a new topic: [Custom capabilities] Issue triggering Automations (enums with spaces in the conditions section)

Did something happen to switchboards? I have a switchboard-3 and a switchboard-4, which are/were working fine. I’m trying to consolidate some switches into two switchboard-4s now,

in the 'then' section I can only manipulate switch-1,

but in the 'if' section I can see all the switches.

I went to edit an existing switchboard, and now I’ve lost control of the other switches…

Also, can the tile show the name of the switch instead of S1/S2/S3… if only in the max 1 switch mode would be nice. It’ll save me having a text-field-5 wasted to get the max 1 switch label to appear on a tile somewhere…

Hi @TheDreamer

It must be something from the last IOs update, on android everything is fine



yup, it’s a bug in the new iOS version. On another device that hasn’t gotten the update yet, it works. (unless it’s also a difference between iOS and ipadOS with the SmartThings App, since it occurred to me the last time I worked on getting my switchboards working…it was on my iPad while watching my laundry tumble…)

The connection between the iPad version and the iPhone version is broken now, too. I saw a while back that when I moved a tile on the iPad, it updated the positon on my iPhone. But, now my iPad has everything all jumbled up…while the iPhone still has everything where I want them (and that was since it had logged me out, where I found everything scrambled when I logged back in…)

Are you sure? Maybe this was for Favorites because otherwise there has never been any sync of Device (or Room) orders between iOS devices. It used to on the old ST legacy app.

At least they fixed the issue when creating a routine, the device is only initially placed in the β€˜then’ section instead of the prior behavior of In both sections. Was annoying when I was creating a bunch of routines where the device was and only the β€˜if’ condition… had to think about creating routines differently… though still a pain when there’s more routines using the device as an β€˜if’, than the other devices as 'then’s. Along with the cases where a device is both an β€˜if’ and a β€˜then’.

Have a lot of rules of β€˜if’ foo and the light is on, then dim the light to XX%. Though it’s annoying that light has been slowly dimming through the evening, it suddenly flashes at full daylight brightness because I said β€œAlexa, Good Night.” For my WiFi bulbs, the turn-off routine is to dim them to 1% and then turn them off. That way if there’s a power outage overnight, they’ll only come back on at 1%. But, now that it’s mandatory to turn it on, in order to dim… And, this was after I had gone through everything making sure I was only dimming and not also turning on lights. Just as I had gone through to make sure that I was only pressing buttons momentarily, and not also turning them on (randomly, the action triggered by the button would fire twice…)

Could be a work in progress, 'cause I thought I read somewhere that they were going to do this…they did sync the order of my rooms recently since I had one room that was either first or last depending on my mood, and slight differences in what was considered my rooms in clockwise order (from the front door.)

The room that is either the first or last one is the room I have the devices that create devices in (and more recently my hub).

I know I had complained last year, that every so often it would scramble the order of my rooms. Hated when I’d be swiping left to get to some room, only to find that I should’ve been swiping right because it had moved on me.

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We can only hope. But I’ve been bitten by that before by ST, just a few times :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

After all this time if they can’t maintain orders after a sign out of the app then I think hoping for a sync of orders across devices might just be a little too hopeful.

Hi @TheDreamer

Modified the code of the SwitchBoard devices so that it shows the custom name of the switch that is On in the tile, for the type only Max one switch On

it would look like this

new driver version will be updated automatically in the next 12 hours maximum

 Name         Aplicaciones Virtuales Mc
 Version      2023-02-26T10:38:06.719921321
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