I’ll work on this and get back to you, thanks
Could the non discovery be related to this issue that others are seeing?
I also added your other drivers and nothing was discovered if that “helps”.
Do your other drivers have devices that should be discovered?
Some do, some don’t. Not really a valid test to rely on
Thanks to the excellent work by @lmullineux I have been able to replace my virtual switches for invoking lighting automation when I start and then subsequently turn off my Harmony Activities. It took a bit of experimentation to get the routines just right so that it all works quickly and consistently. The key is the “Fast Off” routine which speeds up the setting of the PowerOff switch. Here are the Routines:
UPDATE - Do not use the power off Routines listed here. Look for my other post a bit later with the final power off routine that I use that works better and more consistently…
Yes I am on iOS. I haven’t had a chance to check the CLI
See the link shared earlier, looks like there’s an issue doing discovery from iOS for some users
Thank you, I’ll follow that thread and wait for an update or try to get an Android device and discover.
Possibly it will work on Android? I just know there are people in the MyQ bridge edge thread having issues too. Some saying their on Android?
Oddly this issue only seems to effect some iOS users. I use the ST app on a iPhone and an iPad and have no issues.
Can confirm. I was trying to use @blueyetisoftware’s virtual hub driver and discovery was a no go on iOS. Worked fine on Android.
I have a Routine that watches PowerOff and triggers a Scene if PowerOff goes from off to on. Normally when no Activities are running PowerOff is in the on state. Lately I have been getting a random off then on sequence of PowerOff when no Activities have been activated/used. For example, last night at 4:09 am ET when we were all sleeping PowerOff went from on to off and then back on, which of course my Routine saw and triggered the Scene. It has also happened a few other times seemingly at random. Any idea why this is happening?
Do you have ‘Verbose sent/recd logging’ turned on, on your harmony hub device (in st) - it’s in settings?
If you do, could have a look at whether any messages were received around the same time?
I have seen this random on/off/on behaviour too, seems to be overnight as well…
I have enabled verbose logging so will keep an eye out too
Pretty sure you must be receiving some kind of message from harmony that triggers this, once i know what the message looks like hopefully I can figure a way to handle it.
@lmullineux I didn’t have it turned on but I do now so hopefully I can capture what you need the next time it happens. Thanks!
Thank you for tagging me, @lmullineux!
This is a critical issue and the updates will be posted there. So, @Antoine6262 you’re on the right path.
Just a quick update. I hope you might find this information useful. it seems that after creating a new activity in the harmony remote app that it broke the switch functionality as it no longer syncs the appropriate status. I have deleted the switch and tried to add it back but for some reason it doesn’t autogenerate like before. When I have more time I will uninstall the driver and start again from scratch.
@lmullineux I just had a random off/on sequence with PowerOff at 2:20 pm ET. I did have verbose logging turned on as you requested. I guess I noticed it too late. The log only goes back to 2:21.
Edit - never mind. I see I can go back further in the Groovy IDE. Is there something you need to see? Looking at the history for PowerOff I see the random off at 2:20 and the on at 2:21.