Ecobee motion sensors going haywire

Within the last week or so, the remote sensors linked to my SmartThings via Ecobee have been going haywire. Before, they would report presence/motion usually around 20 minutes after leaving or entering the room. Now, it appears they still do, but in doing so they’ll flip flop erratically between motion/no motion for a few minutes before finally settling on a choice.

I thought I might’ve just had a bad sensor but I’m finding that all my sensors are doing this. I have 6 of them.

I’m not seeing the same behavior in the Ecobee app, and the historical data the Ecobee web app logs does not show this erratic behavior either.

The behavior started in the last week or so and may have coincided with the latest iOS app update.

This has been frustrating because I have a number of routines that hinge on detecting motion using these sensors, and they’ve all been firing over and over rather than once like before.

Here’s a screenshot of one of the sensors in the app and it’s erratic behavior.

Is anyone else seeing this? I haven’t tried unlinking and relinking my Ecobee account - I hesitate to do this because by doing so I think I’d need to rebuild all of the routines that have to do with these sensors.

This morning I tried re-linking my Ecobee account and rebuilt my routines involving the sensors. Same behavior as before.

It seems like something has changed with reporting on the Ecobee side and SmartThings may not be accounting for the change properly.

I’ve read in the past that Ecobee reports to SmartThings every 6 minutes. Perhaps that has changed?