Ecobee 3 Remote Sensors into ST

@matt, I’ve coded many smartapps that take advantage of the connected (humidity, motion, temperature) sensors in ST.

For example, see this thread:

Another example is the MonitorAndSetEcobeeHumidity smartapp which monitors the indoor humidity and turn on the humidifier or the dehumidifier (if they are connected to your ecobee thermostat) based on some indoor/outdoor humidity sensors connected to ST. It can also trigger your HRV/ERV for a certain number of minutes per hour when the outdoor temperature is not too cold or the outdoor humidity is not too high.

See device-type.myecobee/smartapps at master · yracine/device-type.myecobee · GitHub


P.S. I don’t have an ecobee3 myself… I use ST connected sensors to control my ecobee STAT-02 thermostat’s scheduling (ex. set my ecobee’s program to ‘Away’ with ST goodbye hello mode or to ‘Home’ when I’m back)