I’m trying to create a dynamic page whos contents consist of href links of 1…n dynamic pages that are based on one page template.
Amazingly, that part works, I’m able to create multiple pages for data input, and generate the href links afterwords, as well as having a preferences map consisting of the data created by these pages, all of which are generated by one dynamic page template.
However, in order to re-populate the preferences from the page template when the href link is activated, i need to pass in some keys from the href link.
How do you do this?
Or is there another way to generate multiple dynamic pages based on a single page template, without defining a fixed number of these before hand…
Or another way, how do you pass parameters to a single dynamic page constructor such that you can re-populate the preference data at a later time?
It works great against statically named dynamic pages where page: = the dynamic page method.
I think all of us are looking to have a template dynamic page, then pass in additional parameters so the previously generated preferences can load back in for editing…
@Jim, have there been any recent changes to how the page names in the href are being parsed? In the thread linked above, it seems like they managed to figure out how to pass parameters by using page: name?var=value[&var2=value[...]] and a corresponding def name(variables) in which variables is a map of the passed variables ([var:value, var2:value]).
Dunno, I hope it’s missing (presumptive tribal knowledge), vs removal from the method.
Probably someone figured, why would anyone want to pass parameters to a dynamic page using HTML syntax…
My thoughts ran in the additive direction, like maybe they added a parameters map to make it cleaner. No, don’t ask what the name of that property is; you have to guess.
Speaking of which, anything not coming from an ST rep is just that, a guess.