That is not the case. I agree, cloud components are great to have for remote access - to establish connections, determine addresses on both sides, etc, but they are absolutely NOT required for remote access.
You mentioned ISP firewalls earlier. Okay, I don’t know of any that block the type of connections we are talking about - but it does not matter. ISP firewalls are NOT preventing ST cloud based systems from controlling the hubs today. So the same can be true for a completely "CLOUDLESS’ solution if you will. Your phone is IN THE CLOUD if you will.
So the hub can open an outbound connection to that phone, if these firewalls you speak of are preventing the phone from sending the syn packet to the hub. Then once the hub has initiated that outbound connection the TCP communciation is two ways. So wha-la, you have control from your phone.
It’s splitting hairs at this point, because I don’t care if a cloud component is involved in proxying my connection or not - as long as it an OPTIONAL ENHANCEMENT or I can privatize it if I wish. The real issue is cloud processing anyway.
But, I don’t want to let the idea stand that cloud components are an absolute requirement - because that is emphatically incorrect and frankly it bothers me that so many folks seem to believe in mythical powers of “cloud”. Again, Cloud is just computers connected to a network. Nothing more, nothing less.