Developer needed for Develco IoT device integration (your time compensated)

So what happened here?

Develco is not listed as a brand in the app, and when I try to search for my Develco Smart Plug Mini it is found and added as “Z-Wave Remote” and I don’t find any way of changing it to something that works like a plug :frowning: Is the hardware just to throw away now?

Go to the IDE and change the device type to Z-wave plug or outlet

I will give it a try, but since these plugs are Zigbee certified, it sounds strange :slight_smile:

If they are ZigBee than change them to ZigBee plugs/ outlets.

I have tried all likely options from the list of Zigbee-devices.

Try the zigbee metering plug:

anyone knows if there is an updated DH for the Develco Smoke Alarm yet?


How is the situation with Develco products with Edge drivers? I have noticed that my Develco devices no longer report status.

Frient offers Edge drivers for their products: frients with SmartThings Edge

They work fine using Mariano Colmanerejo’s drivers for plugs, smoke detectors and movement detectors.