[DEPRECIATED] BitBar V2: Display & Control SmartThings from the macOS Menubar

Thanks to @Nezmo for identifying an incompatibility in BitBar V4 for handling Sonos and other music players as a result of the :new: change in how SmartThings interfaces with Sonos (See ST Announcement below).

News Announcement (3/18/2020)

ST BitBar V4.0.0 (Beta)

  • Now uses the :new: ‘audioTrackData’ capability to interface with various music playback capable systems like Sonosâ„¢, Amazon Echoâ„¢, Google Homeâ„¢, etc.

    • This new beta version has depreciated the previous legacy ‘mediaPlayback’ capability per the SmartThings announcement below for Sonos.
    • If you have not upgraded your Sonos devices to the :new: LAN Sonos Player Websocket DTH, please do not upgrade to this 4.0.0 version as these devices may cause unexpected results.
  • Identifies music metadata and manufacturer if provided by ST API

  • Album Cover Art

    • Click on the album, title, artist to display the album cover artwork in your browser.

Upgrade Requirements:

  1. Must perform an ST IDE ‘Upgrade from REPO’ for the BitBar Output SmartApp
  2. Must download & replace the ST_Python_Logic.py file in the BitBar plugin folder either manually or using the Mac Terminal.app application and copy/paste this command into the Terminal window:

curl -s -O -J -L "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KurtSanders/STBitBarApp-V2/master/installation/STBitBarInstall.command" && sh ./STBitBarInstall.command

  1. Must execute the BitBar Output SmartApp and reselect your music players in the devices section of the preferences. Please verify all settings and save preferences. Refresh BitBar and verify functionality.

SmartThings Announcement for :new: Sonos Integration