[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

Other than the double negative (away from off instead of changes to on), do you have any logs? Enable them in the smart app…

Indeed I do! This is what the log shows after pushing the button once.

I wonder, if the momentary button changes to quickly and ST latency causes CoRE to not pickup the change…am I better off using logic with a regular switch, and defining a variable to monitor the state.

Something like

If switch is on > @NightVariable = On >Location Mode = Night > Wait 20 seconds > @NightVariable = Off

This should allow me to “hack” a regular switch as a momentary switch by automatic a switch reset after X seconds. That would allow me to beat the latency…thoughts?

Thank you, Ady!

That may be a bug… will look it up

Have you tried it using a condition instead, such as:

if switch is on

You could also do like mentioned above and use a virtual button.

When it is on
Do all your tasks
Turn it off

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I’m having trouble getting my pistons to consistently work.

I have 3 pistons that follow the same logic and work most of the time except the following scenario:
If I do the tasks in this order the piston won’t copmlete the “then” part even though it says Current Evaluation: true.
If I use ST to open the garage door, then as soon as it is open, I change mode to Night. I wait the 10 minutes required by the logic, but it fails to alert even though under conditions it says Current Evaluation: TRUE
but at the top it says Status:running Current state: false

However if I manually change modes to Home, then immediately back to night it will trigger the THEN part.

One example of the piston is:
If Garage door did not change in the last 10 minutes
Garage door is open
Home is NIGHT
using AR Android send push notification
using AR Android send SMS notificaiton

I have 3 pistons running that are very similar (only differences are which mode and time required)

Any ideas on why it’s not working consistently? Appreciate any help

Timed conditions (changed or was) DO NOT generate time events at their condition state change - they only check the truth of a statement - did it change or not in the last 10 minutes? It won’t notify you when the 10 minutes pass. They are conditions, not triggers, they don’t watch for events. So they’ll give you a true/false when other events happen. The only condition that does that is the Time - because time is by definition an event based state.


   Garage door stays open for 10 minutes
   Home is Night
end if;

Your condition, the way you wrote it, looks for this:

when the door opens, IF it has been opened for more than 10 minutes, and it’s night, then…

How do we install webcore ???

Install: https://wiki.webcore.co/webCoRE

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You can also set it up like this…

If …garage changes to open…
Then with AR Android
Do…wait 10 min
… send push notification
… send SMS notificaiton

Is anyone rocking Hue B Smart?

Trying to set up a piston where my kitchen lights will trigger a scene upon motion but I am unsure of how to do this using setGroup(). I know the kitchen group is (2) so the parameter is correct, but overtime the piston fires, the balcony light scene triggers.

Timed conditions (changed or was) DO NOT generate time events at their condition state change - they only check the truth of a statement - did it change or not in the last 10 minutes? It won’t notify you when the 10 minutes pass. They are conditions, not triggers, they don’t watch for events. So they’ll give you a true/false when other events happen. The only condition that does that is the Time - because time is by definition an event based state.


Garage door stays open for 10 minutes
Home is Night
end if;


Thanks I tried this, but now If the garage is left open for 10 minutes, then Night mode is set, I will not get an alert, (i’m assuming because its been open for longer than 10 minutes?)

I think a solution could be the original:
If Garage door did not change in the last 10 minutes
Garage door is open
Home is NIGHT
Then: XXX

I then created another piston that
When mode is changed to Night, Then first wait 10 minutes, and then run piston GARAGENIGHT.

So far this seems to both alert me if mode changes to night and the garage door has been left open for 10 minutes (original piston)
and also alerts me if the garage door is open, then its changed to night before 10 minutes has passed with the 2nd piston.

Then you’re really really looking for this:

   Garage stays open for 10 minutes
      Location mode changes to Night
      Garage was open for at least 10 minutes
   Send notification (only while Night)
end if;

Use the mode parameter in the send notification task.

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@ady624 where is send IFTTT maker event?


HA, that is a lot cleaner looking than two pistons. Thanks!

First off all, to say, I love webCoRE. It’s amazing to work with it and the capabilities seems to be endless. Thank you so much for the great work!!

One question, in CoRE there were the settings to fire a piston only on specific days w/o a specific time. Pistone restrictions, only execute on Monday for example.

Is there a way to do the same with webCoRE? I only found to setup a time trigger with the restrictions to execute on specific days of the week? But is it possible to do this without a time trigger. Maybe I oversaw something, and for sure this was explained everywhere, but I couldn’t find anything.


While editing, 3rd button from the left is ‘restrictions’, if you have not seen it yet.

@c1arkbar Interesting…That’s may be simpler then what I was saying with Variables, making it all complex lol. So in this case, instead of a virtual momentary, I would use a switch, have it turn on for X seconds and then the next task would be to turn the switch off; giving time for webCoRE to evaluate it as true and send the execution to ST?

@dkkohler Yes I have. However, since it’s not a switch, but a momentary button, the change in state seems to be too fast for webCoRE to evaluate, confirm state change and execute command - even with TCP set to never.

@ady624 Thank you for looking into this!

yes, I found it and added some restrictions, but not the way I could do with CoRE. I don’t believe that’s still missing in webCoRE. But I don’t know where is my faulty reasoning.

If I use the virtual device I only can use virtual device “Time” with the restrictions “only on these days of the week…”. But I would like to do this without a specific time. The trigger shall be a switch for example not a time. Maybe I totally oversee the point! Sometimes…

I guess the easiest way to do this is show us a pic of the old CoRE piston so we can try recreate it.

Time is any. There is a “is any” option…

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