[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

I am also anxiously awaiting the push updates. They will work much better with my system plan because I do not want the SONOS speakers or LANnounce handling all of the notifications.

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I have an Alexa and an aws account with some experience in installing custom coded apps but when I saw all that is required to install ask Alexa I wasn’t to thrilled to jump on it right away especially since Alexa now is much more friendly with controlling smart devices then she was earlier on when you needed a lot of ifttt and smart things as the go between .

Despite my reservations I will still probably install it because I’d like to set up a piston where after I walk in the house Alexa ask me something like “are there any home control adjustments or activites you want me to start for you?” And I could say yes adjust temp or turn on fox ,heat my tea kettle . And also I love how ask alexa lets you chain off commands without having to keep saying the wake word between each command. I hope that works with outside command as well not just the ones pre configured in he ask alexa settings .

So in conclusion I could then configure weather in ask Alexa if and when I get it set up. But for now the built in weather api sounds like a go for me.

I’m having a problem turning my Ecobee3 back on after the piston turns it off. I can’t find the right command out of the long list to resume the normal comfort setting for the appropriate time period. I’ve tried various settings other than resumeprogram(), removed the awake() and other things. Any ideas? I’m using the custom Ecobee3 v5 device handler.

Was just fooling around with this to hear how it sounds on speaker…

Small question is there a limitation on how many words can be used in the speak command using text to speech when I used a string that yielded a one word result like " rain or overcast " it would say it how ever when I put in a string that yeilded a long 3 day forcast such as what I have below I could see when the piston ran but nothing was said out the speaker… Tried it again and substituted the string for any random text and it worked . Any thoughts ?

Looking for some feedback on some motion based routines I have…

I have one in particular that is problematic. It uses an Iris motion sensor and a GE zwave switch. When the motion sensor is active, it turns the lights on. When its inactive, its SUPPOSED to wait 2 minutes before turning the lights off, but when the sensor goes inactive, it ignores the timer and turns the switch off.

Heres the weird thing. I have three copies of this SAME EXACT routine using a GE switch, and the Iris outlets, and they all work perfectly.

Ive tried deleting/readding, same behavior. If I switch it to another motion sensor, it works as expected.

What gives?

for this particular motion sensor have you checked the motion reset time? if it has a short motion reset time where the others use a longer motion reset time that might explain it.

I haven’t because they all appear to be the same.

that might be one thing to check. if you post a snapshot of the piston, will take a look at if there could be something else.

Change it to this. You need to have the [0] in there like I post before. $weather.forecast.forecast.txt_forecast[0].forecastday.fcttext

Notice when I put the 0 nothing pops up in the box it just says evaluating and stays blank but when I leave out the 0 the forecast comes up. But regardless neither of them are playing. The only one I got to play is the condition string it’s only one word

Try it after forecastday. I don’t know anything about TTS as you know. I don’t have any speakers

This worked perfectly fine until the latest update…something changed

Latest version. Any number to go with that? “Latest” is an extremely relative term with webCoRE. Also, full level logs are a good - scratch that - the best way to figuring out what is going on. Can’t really spot a problem without logs, we can assume things, which is pretty much a nice way of saying we’re guesstimating and shooting darts in the dark :wink: oh, while blindfolded too, for redundancy LOL


That worked well thank you my good man

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The value you are trying to compare needs to be an some type of number. You might need to wrap integer() or decimal() around what you are looking to compare.

Yeah thought I could get away with deleting it before anyone saw I was using a variable string

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Am I correct in that if I want something to come on during the night I should use from sunset to next sunrise rather than just sunrise?

I use Sunset to Sunrise for my porch light.
So yes, use it as you said.
You can also use offsets.
1 hour before sunset to 1 hour after sunset for example.

But if I’m reading it correctly the Sunrise is the same day so from Sunset to Sunrise would seem to be backwards??? Whereas Next Sunrise would be the next morning. It’s no big deal, I was just wondering. I will try them both and see what happens.

Not exactly a piston design question but I’m getting some crazy waits:
+10553ms ║Piston waited at a semaphore for 10155ms
This hasn’t happened until the most recent updates to webcore. Any ideas?