[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

I have a piston which I use as a wake-up alarm which does things like turn on the heat and hour before the alarm goes off; slowly turn on the lights at the time of the alarm; turn on the TV etc.
This works fine if you always wake up at the same time, but if not, you have to go into the piston to change the alarm time.
Is there perhaps some fancy way to set the alarm time - maybe from a Device in the Smart App? Or perhaps with some external manipulation using an app like Tasker?
The clever DTH and piston @Arnqvist created to turn on his car’s heater, made we wonder if something like this could be possible.
What would really be nice is if one could set a default alarm time in the piston, but if necessary change the next alarm time in such a way (and once the alarm has occurred, revert to the default alarm time set up in the piston)?