[Deprecated] Lutron Caseta Connect V1.5

The only SmartThings-controlled stuff that runs locally at the present time is devices using device handlers that are eligible to run locally (see the link @stephack just posted) accessed through the official SmartLighting feature or a few bits of the official Smart Home Monitor feature. And…that’s it.

No LAN integrations run locally at the present time even if they don’t have to touch the cloud. In fact, your official SmartThings mobile app can’t talk to your ST hub if the ST cloud is not available, even if the phone is connected to your WiFi.

And just to keep things exciting, there’s no way to arm/disarm Smart Home Monitor if the ST cloud is not available. So you can have it set up so that a locally operating sensor will trigger your locally operating siren–but you won’t have anyway to disarm the system locally. :cold_sweat:

So no local operation for any custom code (including the stuff in this thread) or any lutron devices at this time.


To avoid hijacking this thread, further discussion of SmartThings local processing should be taken to the following topic: