[DEPRECATED] EchoSistant Version 3.16 with Alexa Feelings

I’d be willing to try anything to make it work, but I realize that not many of us have these speakers, so don’t want you to waste to much time on it.

The device handler selected in ide is Samsung.audio, but I can’t seem to find that in any repositories to mess around with, so maybe it’s not publicly available.

If I could just get it to set the audio before it sends the message, but not change it back on resume, that would solve my problem to a degree. Daughter would have to manually reset the speaker if it was to loud, but that’s her problem, not mine.

I’ll keep playing around with core and see if I can get it to change the volume.

does the speaker show up in both speaker choice sections? The sonos type device and in the speech synthesis type?

if it is available under speech synthesis, try it there for me.

Yeah, officially supported handlers and now apps (that was new to me) have been pulled off from the public repo … anyhow, you connect the speaker via a connect app (service manager), and then a device is created? The solution would be to use a custom handler, if that s-t-u-p-i-d auto adjust is in the handler, which I am pretty sure it is…

It shows in both for CoRE if that is where you are talking. I have tried it as both, and I can get core to mute it, but not set the volume level.

If you are talking in ES, my only option is sonos type devices.

are you only seeing the sonos option? or is the speaker only showing up there?

Need ideas for a reminders. What kind of alerts on remote speakers would you like Echosistant to be able to handle?

So far I have:

Alexa remind me to take the trash out in x days (one time event)

Alexa remind me to take the trash out every x days (recurring event)

Message on the remote speaker when the timer runs out, would be either a preset sound or text(E.G Don’t forget to take the trash out today)

What else?

I am only seeing a sonos option in EchoSistant.

I thought I saw the other option yesterday in there, but the R1 was not an option. It might have been available when I have the TV as a device. I’ve since removed it.

It may be hidden if the capability is not available… I don’t remember if I did that there and I’m not liking at the code this second…

If it shows in CoRE under speech synth devices but not in ES, that might be a little bug in CoRE and would explain why a Piston wouldn’t work. The device only has media player capability, just like Sonos. I am tagging @ady624 to confirm. But I am pretty sure thats the reason why the Piston doesn’t change your volume (if you selected speech). As for having a Piston set your volume it will result in the same thing. The Piston would send 60%, your device will adjust to 54% and when tts comes through with another 60% it will put you to 42%.

I am pretty sure the solution is to send a 60% (either from ES or CoRE) and then when tts comes through, to push from ES a 10% less volume level, so it matches the volume set before.

How about we make it set volume to xxx, send message, reset volume to xxx option inn the app?

I think that would work.

Or the ability to set volume to xxx, send message, then nothing. In addition to the temporarily set volume as it is now. For some reason, whatever command you are using to set volume temporarily works for the Samsung R1, but I can’t get CoRE to set the volume. I’ve tried set volume, set level, set anything I can find, but volume never changes.

[quote=“SBDOBRESCU, post:151, topic:69513, full:true”] As for having a Piston set your volume it will result in the same thing. The Piston would send 60%, your device will adjust to 54% and when tts comes through with another 60% it will put you to 42%.

Yes, if a piston would set to 60%, it would be 54 on this device. That would be fine, then I just wouldn’t have ES temporarily change volume anymore. And it would just keep it at 54.

But I can’t get CoRE to change the volume.

The other option would be rather than temporarily change volume in ES as it is set now, just change volume and leave it. Or as Jason said, change, send, change again but with set values. But I wouldn’t want this to be setup to make mine work, but then force others to have more steps, cause temporarily change works fine for them.

If I was listening to music at 30 and I had it change to 50 to send message, then it sets to 40. That works for me. At least the message goes through and can be heard. But if someone else is listening at 30, has it set to send message at 50, then after sets it to 40, that wasn’t want they wanted. They wanted it back to original. So kinda need temporarily and permanently change option. If this makes sense. Or temp, perm, and set values on both ends. But those 3 options might be too cumbersome, especially since we only know of 2 people with this problem. Lol

Actually we’re all about choice, reliability, and flexibility… Changing it to level xx, send message, change to level xx I think is a good way to go.

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Do you connect over bluetooth or auxiliary input?

Do you own multiple? If so does the app work well for just audio?
If your listening to audio say using Jongo app. I then assume Alexa on bluetooth or auxiliary will not play. Correct?

They are Wi-Fi speaker that also have Bluetooth capability.

I push messages to the speakers from ST via Wi-Fi. If music is playing, then it is paused, the message sounds, and the music restarts. I can also connect them to my dots, though I don’t. So, I could push the message to the speaker and then BT to the dot, but why?

My kids connect to them via Bluetooth on their phones to listen to music, which is overridden by the ST messages.

I can use the app to stream music to them as well. They all link together and I can stream to the whole house.

They are basically a cheaper version of Sonos, but with much more capability. These speakers also accept speech synthesis.

Oh, and the sound quality is very good.

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Thanks for the update,
I’ll have to add them to my smartthings wish list. :smile:

I stream music from Amazon, ect… when I’m home, so should still work for that and Echosistant.

Theoretically that would work, practically wouldn’t :slight_smile: The method to push the mp3 to the speaker calls for a duration and a volume level. If either of two are left null, then you get an error. So whatever the Piston or ES presets, must be matched by the method of pushing the audio file.

Could you please do me a favor? Please update ES, I pushed a couple of debug lines and a potential fix. After you update, please have the ide live logging open and then go in the app and reselect the speaker for your “Isabella” profile. Then run your test again. And post the ES logs here so I can take a look at what’s happening.

Updated but still happening. On phone so hard to deal with the logs. I’ll run it when I get home in a couple hours and post logs. Here is cut and paste with phone.

b78158b5-35c8-4fcd-a3f2-2b8a82ee749b 2:23:14 PM: debug Sending sms and voice message to selected phones and speakers
b78158b5-35c8-4fcd-a3f2-2b8a82ee749b 2:23:14 PM: debug Request to send sms received with message: 'this is a test of the Isabella profile’
b78158b5-35c8-4fcd-a3f2-2b8a82ee749b 2:23:14 PM: debug Sending message to Sonos Devices
b78158b5-35c8-4fcd-a3f2-2b8a82ee749b 2:23:14 PM: debug Attempting to set volume to 10% less than selected volume '60’
b78158b5-35c8-4fcd-a3f2-2b8a82ee749b 2:23:14 PM: debug Current volume level is: '[48]'
b78158b5-35c8-4fcd-a3f2-2b8a82ee749b 2:23:14 PM: debug tts with PreMsg = 'this is a test of the Isabella profile’
b78158b5-35c8-4fcd-a3f2-2b8a82ee749b 2:23:14 PM: debug sendNotificationEvent sent to CoRE was ‘Isabella’ from the TTS process section

I would think we would need it to add 10%, rather than subtract since it was already surbtracting?

In this example, it started at 48, set to 54 for message then set to 42 after message. Same as behavior before.

Ok, so what I did…

Where it says “attempting…” i just pushed a setLevel command to make sure that works, followed by the play method. At least we now know that presetting the volume before the play method works fine…now just need to figure out how we trick your speaker into believing that it doesn’t need to change level when the play method comes through…

Is this possible:

or, perhaps

Alexa, mute Alexa, unmute in 2 minutes.