[DEPRECATED] EchoSistant Version 3.16 with Alexa Feelings

hello, I got the the testing and received this error, how do I correct?
“text”: “There was an error. If this continues to happen, please reach out for help”

I don’t know what I did, but the error is gone now.

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Still can’t get anywhere with Amazon Developer - as far as I can see, it just doesn’t work.
Tried a different browser - same thing - just doesn’t work.

Was getting the same error as many people where the Test was failing. I changed the Lamda code url:

var url='https://graph-na02-useast1.api.smartthings.com:443/api/smartapps/installations/' + STappID + '/' ;

It now works.

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Hi Richard,
Thanks for posting that…

For others experiencing problems… there a section of the Wiki that is very important and has this information at your disposal… I can’t emphasize enough… read the wiki carefully… The install of this app is complex and just the smallest thing can throw it completely off. But once its running… it’s solid…



So, I understand that Echosistant needs Wifi speakers (visible in the ST app). Would you need one per Alexa each unit? So if I have two echo’s, room one and room two, would I need a speakers in each location?

You will need a speaker in every location you want to receive messages. The speakers are not connected to Alexa.

Thank you! Understood, that they are connected to ST.

Yep, so you can have one echo and multiple speakers. If that is the case you can only send messages from one location.

@bamarayne I have now installed EchoSistant following the instruction on the wiki and was able to successfully execute the initial test.

I now created a profile called “Goodnight” which runs my Goodnight routine. I am trying to following create the Alexa app following the Hall Bath example, but can’t get my head around what the name and invocation name will be? I thought these will just be goodnight as per the Hall Bath example, but telling alexa - “Alexa tell goodnight to run goodnight profile” doesn’t make sense.

Can you please let me know if this is how I need to configure it?

You should have set up a main intent. The invocation word is usually home.

You then say, Alexa, tell home to run goodnight

I have already setup the main intent as per the instructions provided. So if I just say “Alexa tell Home to run Goodnight profile”, would this work?

I thought that for each profile I have to create a smart app like the one created in the example.

What do you mean, create a smart app?

You creates one lambda, one main skill, and a skill for each profile that you create. So if you have only one profile created, you will have two skills, one for the main and one for the profile.

Thanks for the clarification Jason. I currently have only the main intent skill created. So I understand I have to create 1 skill for each profile created as well. My confusion is why would the invocation name be different for each skill? Shouldn’t it be “home” for all of them?

No, it should be home only for the main. You aren’t sending TTS to the main, only the others. So, if you want to send a message to the living room, you say, Alexa tell the living room…

Haha shows what I get for not reading. I thought the echo or dot was the speaker for all of this. That was a bunch of fun for no reason, all bc I didn’t read. Well if i get the money for a sonos I guess it’ll come in handy.


Don’t worry… you can do a lot more with EchoSistant than just messaging… Ver 3.14 is limited in functions, but Ver 4.0 is greatly expanded.

Yea. Looks like everything is good. I only noticed I messed up thinking the echo could be the speaker once I got to the basic profile part and I had no speaker. I’ll have to read through and see if there is anything I can come up with for it. Thanks!

I see. I think its a bit more clearer now. I will try this when I get home. Thanks for your help.

Very thrilled with the prospects of this App and looking forward to trying it out, but I have a few questions:

  1. I’ve read the co-existence of Echosistant and Ask Alexa works fairly well, but the you cannot use the same invocation due to some constraints within Lamda. I would assume a slight variation in the invocation would not pose a problem? (ie. Ask Alexa is Rosie and Echosistant is Rossanne). This way others can be trained based on a common theme (the Jetsons) when to use which invocation.

  2. From reading the wiki and comments, it seems the app functions best with the presence of a speaker capable of TTS as you speak through Alexa and Alexa Responds through a separate speaker. My question is, other than Sonos is there another inexpensive TTS suited for this functionality that is less cost prohibitive?

  3. Last question: ETA on v 4.0 which sounds like it has a bunch of neat features.

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