This one is because Alexa hears living room, but your skill is called livingroom so Alexa doesn’t know they are the same. My living room is set up as follows:
Profile is called Lliving
Skill invocation is living room
Skill intent is living
Just to make sure everyone is clear! We did not change the name to Josh and we still have Jason do the videos. Now that the record is straight, compound commands may come to an Alexa device near you, sooner than you may expect without using Josh as your invocation word for your Profile!
My Notification Profiles stopped working over the weekend. Going into the app setup, it seems that it has lost some of its settings, especially the Notification Type. Once the Notification Type has been checked again, the notification phrase re-appeared. This happened to all of my 7 Notification Profiles.
I went into all of them, added the Notification Type and Trigger (which was also missing with some of the Profiles.)
But I still don’t get my Notifications / Announcements.
Any ideas what happened? (I’m on the latest version of the app)
Your feedback is very important to us! The results of this poll will decide the future of EchoSistant!
Next version of EchoSistant will consolidate the app in one easy to use, simplified UI and installation process. But with aggressive streamlining comes a price to be paid. Backwards compatibility may not be possible.
How important is to you, to maintain backwards compatibility with your existing EchoSistant install? (1 to 5, with 5 being the most important).
NOTE:Maintaining backwards compatibility will limit our ability to provide a more flexible and more reliable new version of EchoSistant
I have reversed the changes made to align the app with changes made to RemindR (see post from 3 days ago). Some of the changes are incompatible. I may attempt merging them again if I find a better solution. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. Please update again and reset the Notifications (open and click done).
“Tell” also works. I use a person’s name for my invocation word so it makes it sound more natural. Give your house a name - Example - Betsy. Then try “Alexa, tell Betsy to unlock the front door”.
One of my favorites is when guests come over and are concerned about automatic lights etc. “Alexa, tell Betsy to Not Freak Everyone Out” - which runs a routine to change to guest mode - limiting automations and of course announcing the change via BIG Talker for their benefit.
(Jason "The Enabler" as deemed so by @Smart)
The name of your virtual presence is SK? Which would also be the name of the profile. Did you change the name of the virtual device after you created it?
If you did change the name, change it back to the name of the profile.
I’ve just tried to use the room control feature as described in the tutorial.
I have created a profile named saloon because livingroom conflicts with my other invocations on Alexa.
now when I “tell saloon hello” it says “hello” on the speakers
but when I say “it is too dark in the saloon” , alexa says “hmmm I don’t know that one”
on the aws skill test page , it gives the following response to “this is a test of the saloon profile”