[DEPRECATED] Blink Camera Device Handler with Motion Sensor, Live Video Streaming, Integration with SmartThings/SHM, Temperature, Signals and Push Notifications


Can we slave the photo capture to an open/close sensor as an option instead of motion?

Example: Front door opens the open/close sensor and the camera takes a photo.

You’re mixing up SmartApps and device functionality here.
You can use another app we’ve written to do that, a Smart App called “Trigger based Camera Pictures” which allows you to use triggers (motion sensors, contact/door sensors, momentary switches like door bells) to activate the Camera to take pictures and turn on switches and enable Camera monitoring optionally. The pictures will show up in your SmartThings camera device page.

It’s on the website under SmartApps

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Less than 20char.

Yikes I updated, bun not in this order, Should I remove and start from scratch?

Nope just open the SmartApp and then hit done. The SmartApp needs to instruct the devices, so for that to happen first the device code needs to be updated to accept the new commands from the smart app and then the smart app needs to be reinitialized to send the new instructions to the devices.
Please see the instructions, after EVERY code update the SmartApp needs to be reinitailized and device needs to be refreshed.

Yeah I always do the refresh of devices and SmapApp on the phone, Just wasn’t aware the importance of the IDE update order. Thanks. Hopefully I won’t need to update this as much soon :wink:

So where are the pictures saved? I created a rule in rule machine to take photos (10) when light turns on. How can I download/review the pictures? Can I trigger video record with a parameter?

I tried doing the photo burst but it doesn’t seem to work well. I think the Blinks take too long to process request and take actual photo. One photo at a time works better. I don’t know if they are stored anywhere else but if you go to recently in the device the photos are there. You can click on them and “share” to save somewhere else.

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Is there SHM integration at all?

Deleted everything, rebooted hub. re-installed Device handler then Smartt app. When Pressing done in Smart app with correct credentials and receive error "You appear to be having issues with your network, please check your connection and try again. Real Blink app is working fine. Not sure where to look.

Camera’s found but via app in store but still network errors, still no camera (things). Something odd is happening. Phone Sync and hub are all on the same wifi currently.

Error in log:
8f142935-6fd2-4d03-b029-f7380a9fe4f5 ‎4‎:‎04‎:‎45‎ ‎PM: error java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Execution time exceeded 20 app execution seconds: 6697823757739 @ line 152

Mine are working great.

Is there a way to disable the blue light that comes on when you record or it senses motion?

Don’t think so. I think I recall reading in Blink’s Kickstarter comments that the light is hardwired to come on when the camera is recording.

I am having the same exact issue as @scott_simmons. No devices are showing and I get the exact same timeout error in the log.

I wish they would build things (Think motion sensors, cameras, any security item) that dont have these annoying lights

White Nailpolish. Problem solved.


doesnt work on iris sensors well

Blink wants to make sure you know when it is on so embarrassing or nefarious video is not possible.

Your platform instance is running slow so the app it isnt’ able to complete the communication chain with the Blink servers within the 20 seconds allotted to it and hence the platform kills it.

If you goto support they’ll blame the app but really it’s the slow platform instance. I say instance because being a cloud different users have different speeds/experiences. All you can do it try to wait and hope the server will load balance themselves if not report to ST support and pray that they can actually do something about it

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It’s the platform timing out because it’s running too slow. Line 152 is


That’s a ST API call to get the devices and it’s an internal call to the platform. Nothing the app can do about it.

If this is the case, I suspect this is the issue I’ve been having with all the versions and the inconsistent times the sync module would turn on. I would imagine others will or are currently having the same issue. I thinking just to wait for official intergration, not work the headache. Thanks anyway.