Dashboard Theming (Custom CSS) and Mounting Hardware Ideas

This is just seriously brilliant. Sugru, who make a rubbery adhesive have instructions for how to make a custom tablet mount just using three blobs of Sugru and, yes, you can take the tablet out and put it back whenever you want. I mean, seriously brilliant. :sunglasses:


And, it comes in different colors including black and white.

I was first introduced to this product for use sticking the Naran Microbots to various devices. Iโ€™ve only had mine up for two months, so I canโ€™t speak to how well it lasts longterm, but it molds and holds very well so far. :sunglasses:


@tgauchat @bamarayne @johnconstantelo @Sbdobrescu @NWTony @MichaelS @michaelahess @slagle @Navat604 @TheSmartestHouse