Dashboard Theming (Custom CSS) and Mounting Hardware Ideas

[quote=“sgnihttrams, post:1028, topic:11222, full:true”]

Whenever I see something in this area that adds some kind of helping mechanism, I bookmark it, and I just bookmarked your post.

So far, I’m only using an external motion sensor, and I too would like something that works quicker…[/quote]

NOTE: To everyone else that may have already posted these particular concepts or tools in here, sorry. I’m not trying to say this is necessarily anything NEW. I just didn’t do enough searching this time. I’m tired and irritated right now (completely unrelated) and just decided to post anyway. :slight_smile:

I just discovered (for myself) a possible solution for this (i.e. getting the screen to come on with local proximity/vibration sensors on the Android itself), AND also re-discovered another one that didn’t seem to work well for me before, but does now.

For now, I have the following working…

  1. Proximity Sensor Turns Screen-On Using ‘Smart Screen On’
    [APP] Smart Screen ON | XDA Forums
    I couldn’t find it in Google Play. So, I just got it from the Amazon app store (Not sure how problematic that may be).
    It’s not ideal, but works consistently, predictably and reliability as long as I ‘do it right’.
    Unlike my mind initially thinks, this doesn’t work by simply waving the hand in front of it (at least not in my case). In order to trigger it, I have to actually touch the physical screen and swipe a finger across the proximity sensor. When I do that, it turns the screen on.

  2. Vibration Sensor Turns Screen-On Using ‘Gravity Screen’
    This one works very well. With the sensitivity all the way up, all I have to do is barely touch any part of the Android, and BOOM! screen comes on. I already had this on my phone for testing something else (or maybe this and I forgot). Now, it seems to be working just fine.

Now…the catch for me is that I’ve been testing all of this on my nice, new Motorola Droid Turbo 1.
I have no idea whether any of this will work on my cheapo tablets. Next is testing on other devices.

Again, I’m not trying to say this is necessarily anything NEW.
I’m just lazy-posting without searching enough first. :slight_smile:

p.s. One thing that comes to mind is that I think SmartTiles (or something like it) MUST (some day) eventually, somehow have all of this kind of stuff built into it; in order to maximize user-base, and to take all of the potential configuration oddness out of the way so that, for less-savvy users who just want something that works, all in one thing, they won’t have to go through all of this tinkering and testing, etc.

For me, it’s no big deal (I’m at least an aspiring tinkerer-apprentice lol ), but I know for certain, there are users who, when they encounter something like this, and it’s not just a matter of clicking a checkbox or radio button within the primary app they’re using for dashboard/control panel solutions, they’ll just abandon it and (maybe) pick it back up some day when (if) such functionality gets backed-in. Such built-in functionality would no-doubt increase the value proposition when it comes time to buy the ‘Pro’ version after having tested the Free version, or to renew their subscription if that’s how this thing eventually goes.

Of course, there are differences between OS and hardware versions and all that, and that adds levels of complexity that you may or may not want to ‘bake-in’ or support. I just think it might be worth the effort. $0.02. :slight_smile: