Dark Color Multi-button Wall Switch?

What vendors make multi-button wall switches (don’t care if it controls a load) other than the seemingly discontinued Enerwave ZWN-SC7 (no one has one for sale, not on company site, no emails returned)? I want something that can trigger virtual switches, arm/disarm the alarm, etc.

The only one I see is from Leviton, but it doesn’t come in a dark color and I’m matching Cooper slate grey switches.

You were probably looking at the Leviton VCRS4. There are also a couple of battery-operated switches you can see in the buttons FAQ, but they’re all white as well.

But I don’t know of a black multi button wall switch for the US market. Aeon Labs has one planned, but it hasn’t come to market.

The other alternative is to take an inexpensive Wi-Fi phone and put a dashboard on that. If you smart tiles, you can customize the tile color and size as well as the device selection:

I just thought of one more possibility, which is the Legrand Adorne buttons combined with Aeotech micros. @Mike_Maxwell has done several of these.