Hi everyone,
I searched all over the place and was not able to find the answer to this particular case. I have a multi function sensor which is using a 4 input A/D chip to be used in an integration with an ESP8266 (nodeMCU). I am building a soil moisture sensor with 4 inputs.
I have 4 A/D inputs that I want to display in the Detail view.
For now, everything seems to work except the display in the detail view which only shows one of the 4 number values.
Would that be supported or I should split the 4 values into different attributes ?
Here is my custom capability:
> Capability: mirroracross02496.soilMoistureMeasurement4x
> Attributes:
> ┌───────────┬───────────────┬────────┐
> │ Name │ Type │ Setter │
> ├───────────┼───────────────┼────────┤
> │ moistures │ array<number> │ │
> └───────────┴───────────────┴────────┘
Here is the associated presentation:
"detailView": [
"label": "Moistures",
"displayType": "state",
"state": {
"label": "{{moistures.value}}",
"unit": "moistures.unit"
"id": "mirroracross02496.soilMoistureMeasurement4x",
"version": 1