CT100 / CT101 - state changes not logged all the time? (idle / heat / cool)

I have a CT101, wired it up with C wire, and have been using it for a couple months or so now. I’ve been looking at the device logs and see where it logs the heat turning on and off:

2016-01-02 7:13:51.988 AM EST    1 hour ago	DEVICE		temperature	65.5		CT100 Thermostat temperature is 65.5°F	true
2016-01-02 7:13:51.912 AM EST    1 hour ago	DEVICE		thermostatOperatingState	heating		CT100 Thermostat thermostat operating state is heating	true

However, it doesn’t seem to log each time that this happens. Usually logs the first one of the day, or randomly. Here’s an example from yesterday:

2016-01-01 9:47:42.349 PM EST 11 hours ago	DEVICE		thermostatOperatingState	idle		CT100 Thermostat thermostat operating state is idle	true
2016-01-01 1:49:25.719 PM EST 19 hours ago	DEVICE		temperature	69.5		CT100 Thermostat temperature is 69.5°F	true
2016-01-01 1:39:50.807 PM EST 19 hours ago	DEVICE		temperature	68.5		CT100 Thermostat temperature is 68.5°F	true
2016-01-01 1:39:50.704 PM EST 19 hours ago	DEVICE		thermostatOperatingState	heating		CT100 Thermostat thermostat operating state is heating	true
2016-01-01 1:23:38.958 PM EST 19 hours ago	DEVICE		heatingSetpoint	70		CT100 Thermostat heating setpoint is 70°F	true

I’m quite sure that the heat wasn’t actively running for 8 hours continuously yesterday… but the log would seem to indicate that it was.

Anything I could check to see why it doesn’t appear to report every state change? The temperature reporting seems to come through whenever it changes.

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I am having the same issue. it will report when I change settings on the panel but it does not report the state change unless I do a refresh from the IOS app