CoRE - Get peer assistance here with setting up Pistons

I.e. get rid of your but-if and put the wait for false state, wait 5 minutes turn off.

Ahhh…I see what you are saying. But that is the part that is working. My problem is that the Condition is triggering even when False. I literally watched it in Core and it said the Condition was false and ran anyways. Its performing everything perfectly when running, but running even in False.

Just to update. Your comments were correct. Since I could not make the Hallway Switch to trigger the then IF, I made a separate Piston for Arming back again.

So now I have two basic pistons.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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Is there a way to dismiss SHM alerts automatically each night say at 11:59 before my system goes into an Armed/Stay mode? I want everything to change to “Everything Ok” just before that so that I can get a better view of the nights activities in the morning. I have seen people do this with IFTTT but I’d rather something a little more streamlined. I’m truly trying to limit the amount of things I have to do outside of Pistons/Native Smartthings apps.

Thanks in advance.

I’ve read that ST has the SHM interactions very limited, so I don’t think that’s currently possible. And it may make sense to require a human to dismiss SHM incidents? After all, it is intended to be a security system - and allowing them to be automated away - I can see as a huge potential issue.

Do you have anything more on this? I don’t know how you’d go about doing that with IFTTT, always wanting to learn.

I think there was a URL someone was hitting, I’ll try to find it.

Here: Ways to dismiss SHM Intrusion Alerts!

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I.e. get rid of your but-if and put the wait for false state, wait 5 minutes turn off.

I tried this which looks like what you were suggesting…but now it does not fire at all. Any thoughts?

Thanks again

Are you sure you don’t have another piston that is countering it?


Are you sure you don’t have another piston that is countering it?

Yeah, that was the first thing I checked. I do have something that controls those lights in a Movie Watching routine, but that is not active.

So in my original build it fired all the time even when the Condition was False. (This is what it used to do in Lighting Director which is why I changed it to Core)
Now in trying Bobbles’ build, it doesn’t fire at all.

The problem with the wait for false state in this case is that the lights will be turned on, and when the lights are on the piston will never be false.

Try changing the IF to a Trigger, such as Sensor Bar Motion CHANGES TO Active

Remove the light bar off condition. Leave the Then statement as is.

EDIT: Just saw your latest post, if you have another setting for movie mode, you may want to paste those details here so we can think about how we make them all work together.

I would have thought it would work.
In the IF statement each action is blue, as is the overall statement therefore that means the rule is true.
The only thing I could suggest is to make the THEN action as simple as possible to start with and then introduce the mode limitations.

i.e. Take out mode limitations to start with. Make both set levels the same 60% and give it a try. Then if this works, introduce the mode limitations and see what happens.

Just looking at one of my rules, I have the set colour first and then the set level. Not sure if that makes a difference.


The problem with the wait for false state in this case is that the lights will be turned on, and when the lights are on the piston will never be false.

So maybe you could find the bug in the original and tell me why it would fire even when the Trigger was False?

Wish I could, but it all looks right. I think you have two choices if you want to keep that logic:

  1. Provide some logs for Ady
  2. Kill and and rebuild it.
    A) consider using a Trigger for the motion instead of a condition - both should work, but worth a try to change it up.

Delete ST
Hire a Lawyer
Hit the Gym

When the lights turn on, surely the statememnt now becomes false.

You’re right!

That’s a problem in and of itself. Because now it is going to turn them off in 30 seconds, even if motion remains active.

I like his original piston, I’d delete it and rebuild it using a trigger.

Very true. :slight_smile:

Aha! I am brand new to all of this and clearly don’t know the difference between a Trigger and a Condition. I just was using trial and error. When I start building it only gives me Conditions as an option. Where do I find Triggers?

Triggers are solid circles, conditions are open circles.

For motion, I believe CHANGES TO is a trigger, for example. Try that.

I’m stumbling around and trying to write some CoRE pistons with mixed success. One particular piston is causing me two problems - the first quite likely because of misunderstanding or bogus assumptions on my part.

Simply stated, I want to turn on “Front Porch” at a random time within 15 minutes before/after sunset, and turn it off at 11:00pm. So, my piston basically looks like this:

      Time is around Sunset +/- 15 minutes
      Using "Front Porch"
           Turn On
           Wait for Custom Time 11:00 PM
           Turn Off

Seems simple enough. What I’m finding is that the piston always triggers 15 minutes before sunset and the “Turn Off” task never occurs. I’d assumed that the “around Sunset +/- 15 minutes” would schedule the event at some random time within that 30 minute period, but instead it appears it’s being scheduled at the earliest opportunity within that period. The “Custom Time” also requires that I specify days of the week, so I’m checking all of the days, though it seems that ought to be optional and not specifying a day would then default to “every day”.

I can get around half of the first problem by triggering AT Sunset instead of AROUND, and doing a Wait (Random) for 1-15 minutes, but that doesn’t allow for triggering BEFORE sunset.

And I’m stumped on waiting until a specfic time.

I tried it with Time is Between and it seems random enough. Pick both Sunset and do your offsets.

Edit: For the specific Off time, you might have to get creative and do some math with variables to calculate the +/- offset & 11pm. It sounds good in my head but I don’t know if I can execute it LOL.

Edit2: Sorry, it doesn’t look like it is random at all. Still playing with possible workaround.

Ok, so I killed and rebuilt as follows. But same inital problem. It is still firing when lights were in the On state to begin with.

So nothing seems to change that.

How do I provide logs to Ady? I enabled Debugging, is that part of it? (Have since disabled Debugging as that caused it to not fire anymore)
