CoRE and Piston Rules Engine, first design steps

One more thing coming in the future which may or may not affect SmartThings, but I think will have an impact on UI design for home automation, so I just wanted to mention it…

We already have some community members who have added automatic window openers to their systems. These are becoming more popular, particularly for skylights and in hurricaneprone locations where they are often combined with automatic shutter systems.

There are also some homes which have automatic door openers. I have friends Who use wheelchairs that rely on these and the cost has come way down just in the last two years.

The newest version of HomeKit distinguishes between open/close sensors and motorized doors. The first group is called “door sensors” and the second group is called doors.

This is pretty new for home automation, where in the past the open/close sensors were usually given the name of “door” In most UIs. Not “door sensor.”

However, it seems possible that the distinction will be made in many future systems, if only because the motorized devices are becoming more common.

As I said, we do already have some SmartThings community members using motorized windows.

So just one more thing to think about:
