So I’m considering using a relay to automate my fireplace. I know that doing so has been discouraged on this board for some time due to potential code issues, but I’d like to more fully understand the potential downfalls. As it stands now, my fireplace remote has a thermostat and a programmable day/time function, so clearly unattended operation isn’t itself entirely prohibited. The fireplace manufacturer also contemplates using the insert as a secondary heater and the fireplace is UL listed, so in some respects it isn’t much different than the gas furnace. Additionally, my fireplace recently ran for 48 hours straight because it was left on thermo mode (with a high goal temp) and we weren’t home, so I’m not sure an automated setup would be any less safe.
What I’m considering doing is wiring in a switch to control the on/off, with a thermal fuse (or switch) wired in series as a safety, along with a master kill switch for when we’re out of town that prevents the relay from closing the circuit. I’d also automate it to alert me if the fireplace state shows on while the house is away, as well as killing the fireplace when we leave if its left on. I might also wire in a time relay to mechanically prevent the fireplace from running for longer than X minutes without relying on the hub.
I get that ghost events can happen, but what am I missing here? The remote as it is (from a major manufacturer) can also cause the fireplace to fire when we aren’t home, as recently happened.
Also, does anyone have the actual code reference that supposedly prohibits this? Some searching shows lots of people claiming it is prohibited, but I haven’t seen the actual provision. And at least one company has started selling wifi-enabled remotes that can be controlled from anywhere:
Rough diagram: