I have looked in a number of other posts and haven’t seen the answer to this. There are a lot of them on Nest so I may have missed something. Apologies if that’s the case.
I have had Nest working perfectly for quite a while, first using with dianoga and then notoriousbdg device types, On the Nest side, I basically have all the Nest Sense settings turned off, specifically, Auto-Away, Auto-Schedule, and Early-On.
I don’t have SmartThings setting Away on the Nest but I do have it adjusting the temperature based on mode changes.
I am curious how others have their Nest configured when using it with SmartThings to see if perhaps I could be taken better advantage of the Nest functionality.
Thanks in advance.
Bonus Question: Is there any Nest device type out there that supports setting humidification level?
I ended up doing pretty much what you did. I’ve removed any schedules and/or special settings on the Nest and use ST to simply change the temperature settings based on mode changes. At first I was bothered by this, but I’ve since found it a simpler arrangement to have ST ‘own’ the status of my home and simply use Nest to manage the temperature as it was set by ST.
I am also using the dianoga code as well (https://github.com/smartthings-users/device-type.nest) and similarly I cleared out the schedules, but left the auto away pieces in so that I don’t need to micro-manage the temp in the house when I stay or leave the house during the day.
The one difference is I DO use the Away function…I have DropCams and they integrate with the Nests that when Away it will turn on alerting via the cameras. So, I had to write a small app that follows the modes to switch from home modes (no camera alerting) to away mode (turn on camera alerting).
I did similar. I deleted all of my schedules and turned off auto-scheduling and I allow my ST presence dictate when My Nest goes into AWAY Mode. I did leave Auto-Away on for the Nest in case ST screws up Mobile Presence, which it’s known to do.
Also, when I go to sleep each night, I adjust the thermostats for all of the room except the bedrooms.
I do want to utilize remote temperature sensors around the house. That is my next project.
An easier method is to change the device type of the dropcam to the one created that adds an on/off switch to it. When you leave it will start recording and when you come home it will stop.