Category Reorganization

Fair enough… :slight_smile:

Right… The [quote] can contain emojis, but only if you never use an apostrophe to pluralize. :grimacing:.


Not sure if anyone is still looking at this, but I didn’t want to start a new thread.

Could we get a new subcategory under devices called “wiring questions”?

It’s not really suitable for a FAQ because there are so many variations, but I do think a lot of people could read someone else’s wiring question and find the answer to their own. And if not they could post their own thread.

Once the Sears and Best Buy customers get here we’re going to be overrun with these and it would be nice to keep them a little more organized.


Just put a BIG disclaimer at the top.

“It is strongly recommended that you employ the services of a properly skilled and certified professional for all work on mains electricity… yada, yada, yada…”


My brain exploded. :scream:


I know you’re super busy but there are so many duplicate topics I can’t find the right topics to refer people to. Plus they’re scattered all over the boards.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeee can we have two new subcategories under either SmartApps or Mobile App, whichever you like, one for

Smart Home Monitor
How do I?

And one for

Smart Lights
How do I?

That’s two separate sub sub categories for each.

Personally, I would probably put them under mobile app, but again that part doesn’t matter. It’s just organizing the solution app discussions.

A lot of people could answer their own questions if they just saw how other people had gotten same question answered previously. :sunglasses:

And since the whole point of the solution apps is to have plug-and-play answers, the answers are very similar. So this is a case where the forums could leverage the goodness in the mobile app, A win for everybody.