Best Motion Sensor (2014, now out of date)

Wow! You have replied to a thread which is two years old. :scream: A lot of stuff has changed in that time. Trust me: this is a very active forum, you will always be able to find a newer thread unless it is an FAQ in The FAQ section, in which case it will have been updated frequently.

Please donā€™t resurrect the threads that are this old unless you know that thatā€™s the only one with the information, it just confuses everybody.

So, letā€™s start over. :sunglasses:

The ecobee sensors are only intended for use in controlling the thermostat and Have a weird algorithm and a very slow reporting interval, so you just arenā€™t going to be able to use them for use cases requiring more frequent reporting. So nobody is using them for regular motion sensors. ( less frequent reporting means a longer battery life, so itā€™s quite common with specialty sensors that they have long ā€œsleepā€ intervals.)

You can read more about motion sensors which are being used in the device class features thread: ( The topic title is a clickable link)

Although the FAQ thread was started a couple of years ago, you can tell from the last post in the thread that it does get updated frequently.