Are you looking to retrofit your existing lock? If you want to stay under 60 or $70, there are a couple of options.
If so, @johnconstantelo Took a magnetic sensor and stuck it on the deadbolt on the inside so that it would trigger if the lock was opened. That could be quite inexpensive relative to an actual smart lock.
I’m looking to build a door lock sensor which will be based on a microswitch buried into the rebate on the door, that switches when the deadbolt is extended into the cavity.
The question is, how to get the state of that microswitch reported back to SmartThings? one option I looked at already is the Fibaro FGK-101 which is a z wave contact sensor with an extra set of screw terminals inside allowing a NC or NO external switch to be wired in…almost perfect, but if the extra terminals are used the regular contact sensor does not function, which seems a waste.
I also wondered if this could be done with a Raspberry Pi, since I have an unused one, and that could perhaps become a multiple sensor used as a doorbell, lock sensor (as above), motion detector, mail delivery sensor, door camera, BLE b…
Another option would be to use an electric strike. But that would be replacing your existing lock.
So i had two major issues with the options we are currently given to automatically lock/unlock our doors.
they are:
1: cost (a replacement door handle with zigbee/zwave averages about $199, and a simple door deadbolt starts at $100.
2: The fact that all this stuff is for some reason required to be ran off of batteries. I’ve made some progress in my house migrating to arduino (also for cost) for this very reason. Incidently: arduino clone + smartthings shield = about $40 and arduino sensors are C.H.E.A.P. I have a bag of door switches i paid $1.00 apiece for.
Anyway, on to the implementation…
In advance, i will mention that everything that’s required to get this up and running was less than fifty dollars.
parts list:
door striker, electric. Available on Ebay for as low as $21.…
You can also look at the quick browse projects list for lock projects and see if there’s anything there you could use:
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