AskAlexa to read back a voice report?

@zraken I can help!

First, I assume you got past the “automations” invocation word, correct?

Second, I am assuming you set up the developer’s slots with the name of the voice report you are creating (in this case “give me temperature status”.) This would be in the “LIST_OF_MACROS”.

Third, it appears you came from an older version where the voice reports were part of macros. I have since moved Voice Reports to a separate extension, so you should be running the latest version (2.3.8 of the main code, and 1.0.9 of the voice reports code.

If so, then your voice should looks something like this:

Under “Environmental” report you will choose the two sensor you want to report on, and then slide if you want them to report as an average of the two or simply each one.

Then you should simply be able to give the command “Alexa, ask {invocation} to {voice report name}”

The most important thing if this DOESN’T work is what it says, and what is reported in the IDE live logging.

Let me know if that helps. Also, I recommend putting Ask Alexa questions in the official thread ([RELEASE] Ask Alexa) as I am immediately notified of that. Otherwise, I have to troll the forum :slight_smile:

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