OK, I bought a SmartThings Arduino shield from the SmartThings store. I mounted it on my Arduino and it connected fine. Good so far.
I removed the device from the app to make some changes and try connecting it with a custom device handler. Now the app never sees it again. I have tried resetting, powering everything down and reconnecting, wiping all code off the arduino and reloading. I am at a complete loss.
I have run through debug steps in the Arduino code. I can see that the shield is joining the network, It receives messages, I just don’t know why it never seems to connect via the App. Anyone have the same experience - any advice?
If you deleted the device from your SmartThings account you will have to reset the shield and repair it. Push and hold the “switch” button for 8 seconds, let go, put the hub into pairing mode, and push the “switch” button one more time.
One other question (Sorry to hijack my own thread - I didn’t want to start a new one just for this). Is there a best practice or reccomendation for the frequency with which a device should push information to the ST cloud? My little Proof of concept for my voltage sensor I had sending data every iteration when it was in an alarmed state or every 10 seconds when it was not. Thats fine for debugging my logic in development space, but excessive (obviously) in a production environment. My thought was to include logic that would only transmit when readings fluctuate outside of a norm (e.g only transmit the voltage when it changes and is outside of tolerances).
For my washing machine project this is a simple issue - my sensors are simple tripped or not tripped. My next project is a garden science center where I will be monitoring the moisture levels of soils in different zones of the garden, light, as well as water reservoir and nutrient reservoir levels. Those levels I want to be able to monitor in more real time but obviously don’t want to overload the system with messages. So I was just wondering what the best practice recommendations from ST are?