Aqara Presence Sensor FP2 $62.24 @ Amazon

Aqara Presence Sensor FP2 $62.24 @ Amazon (-25%)

more info about MMwave sensors from @JDRoberts in the following thread:

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62.24 @ Amazon (-25%)

That’s an excellent price!

I got mine when it first went below $75. I’m very happy with it, because it recognizes when there is still someone sitting in the room and doesn’t turn the lights off too early while not staying on just because the dog is sleeping on his dog bed.

We are using it primarily with Apple HomeKit, but can use it in SmartThings by using IFTTT or Alexa routines as an intermediary.

Aqara and Samsung did a joint presentation recently where they promised there would be better integration for this model “soon“ but no one knows exactly what that means yet. :wink: