Anyone having CoRe Pistons failing?

I’ve had several failures with the garage door opening, back door unlocking, and I’m not getting text messages for the events.

The first one is a basic piston: If either of my or my wife’s phone presence changes to present, open garage door, send push and SMS notifications to both phones, unlock the back door, and send push/text notifications.

Second one is also a basic piston: If the time is between xx:xx and xx:xx, and my phone changes to present, then turn on a light in the house, set the level, and set the color, unlock the back door, open the garage door.

Third is a basic piston: If the garage door changes to opening, and any of my or my wife’s phone is not present, send a push and SMS message to both of our phones.

Both of us use iPhone 6’s, and all of the pistons were working prior to the ST update. I’m not sure of any other failures. I’ll have to do a system shakedown on Monday.


So I checked my version and apparently am way behind. “v0.2.145.20160822”

But the latest version says Don’t upgrade to this unless requested to. So I will leave the version alone and just try recreating a new version of the piston to see what happens.

The last version is trying a few new things like user code support for locks and the new “cancel on condition state change” they are not fully tested but seem to work okay. So if you want to update, you can go ahead and do so, you can always manually revert to any previous version…

Terrific, thanks! I have pistons failing all over the place, so I am really hoping this fixes it. I updated this morning, so I’ll see when I get home today. :slight_smile: