Anyone able to make Rinnai Water Heater integration work (Control-R wifi to ST)?

Thanks dustindclark!

I’ve been waiting for Alexa to offer custom commands in routines for handling this.

If you want to take this a step further, you can create a Virtual Switch in Smartthings that will register in Alexa. This will allow you to use Smartthings’s more robust automations to trigger the virtual device. Then you set Alexa to monitor the Virtual Device and run the “Ask Rinnai to start recirculation” based on the Virtual Device’s status.

My example:

  • Virtual Device named “Water Heater”
  • Smartthings Automation to trigger “Water Heater” on when any Bathroom light or Kitchen Motion Sensor is activated.
  • Smartthings Automation to turn “Water Heater” to off after 1 minute of being turned on.
  • Alexa Automation to “Ask Rinnai to turn on recirculation” when “Water Heater” is turned on.

Works perfectly!

The announcements are annoying, so I have an Echo Flex on the way and will plug it in the garage on the same outlet the water heater is plugged into.