Alternative to Lutron Connected Bulb Remote advice needed

I have 4 Osram Lightify bulbs in my ceiling fan, they are connected to the LCBR as a group. I tried with the DH to get it into ST, but it didn’t work for me.
The LCBR is connected to Wink (and alexa) so it does what I wanted to do. But, it’s the ONLY thing i’m using wink for, would love to get this light into ST.
The requirements are, some type of handheld remote that will pair with the 4 bulbs, control with alexa and integrate into ST.
Is this possible? I also have a harmony with the hub extender (not sure if that will helps)

If I understand your requirements correctly, you can use any handheld button device that works with SmartThings. You will get your Alexa integration through SmartThings. The button device will send the instructions to the smartthings hub, and the Hub will send the instruction to the bulbs. So you should have quite a few options to choose from.

See the following FAQ (this is a clickable link). Some of the devices are battery-operated, some are mains powered, so read the descriptions carefully.

If you have any questions about a particular device, ask those in the discussion thread for that device, not in the FAQ, which is intended to just be a one post per device listing of device models. Or come back here and ask your question here. :sunglasses:

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Thanks, I’ll give this a look.

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