I have already posted it in a separate thread, but just in case : although advertised as “110VAC, 60Hz”, the US version of the Aeotec Range Extender works fine on 240VAC & 50Hz, using just a simple socket adapter.
That may be useful for those of us using the SmartThings Hub in a non-US country.
Beware however that was is currently true may change at any time, as Aeotec hardware versions evolve. YMMV.
I’ve been using Aeotec Z-Wave Range Extenders all over my house and just recently picked up a strong enough signal to light lights via Z-wave inside my house from my Fully Enclosed Double Walled All Metal Shop thru a side window which is a distance further than what you want. The Z-Wave signal has to reach the far end of my house from my Hub (about 60’) and then there is about 150 or more feet to the side window of my shop. If I leave the large double doors of my shop open I have a strong signal inside but when I close the doors it pretty much kills the signal. I just recently put a Range Extender just inside my shop side window and I’ll be playing with this in the next couple of weeks. Close up your garage and walk around inside to see if you have a WiFi signal, not a 3G or 4G signal. Sometimes you can change your position inside your garage and find a strong signal. Make sure that you are not trying to relay a Zigbee signal as Zigbee has their own extenders. If you have competing neighborhood routers that also can affect your signal. I have no neighbors up at 8,000’ in the Rockies and unless the local bears install a router I have no problems. I’m using a dual frequency Asus Model RT-AC66U Gigabit Router with one foot long triple antennas that I ordered extra. You can also install an actual Router Range Extender between your house and garage.
Good Luck,
I was having a ton of issues connecting my Extender.
The trick* was to press the button on the side of the extender 3 times while adding a new device.
Okay, I’ve read this entire thread twice so if I’ve missed the answer, forgive me.
I’ve got my Aeotech Extender to pair. It’s on my Smartthings iPhone app. I changed it from ZWave device to ZWave relay. The light is solid red. I have it 10 feet from my hub, yet I can not turn it on/off from the app. I thought, well maybe you don’t turn it on/off because it’s a relay, so I moved it down the hall closer to my master to see if it improved signal strength to the area. It didn’t.
I live in a fairly new highrise in San Jose, Cal, so it’s built with thick walls and everyone has some sort of wifi. The distance for any wifi signal is very weak at even 20ft. I’d buy a few of these things if I thought they worked, but I have no idea if mine works or not.
The documentation is poor. Is solid red LED good? I know it’s better than blinking red.
Thanks for your help in advance.
It’s supposed to be solid red to indicate that it has paired correctly, so that part’s fine.
Did you do a zwave repair after you added it so your existing devices will route through it?
As far as the future–this particular device was a big deal when it first came out because very few zwave devices supported beaming.
However, now many mains-powered zwave devices support beaming, so most people just get light switches and plug ins that support beaming so they get double use out of the device.
Also, if you look for zwave plus devices they already have an amplified signal compared to the older zwave devices.
I mean, I think it’s working after I ran the repair because the signal is better in the remote area, but I still can’t turn it “off” or “on” on my smartthings iOS app.
I’m not sure it has an off option.
In any event, it does appear to be working, as the signal is better. Thanks for the tip!
ON/Off do/mean nothing for this device. At least not in ST. I have one as well and after turning it on, it immediately defaults back to the off position. Despite that, I know that mine is working because if I unplug it my outlets in the garage become mostly unusable. The minute I plug it back in all is well.
FYI the z-wave relay device type needs this line to “identify” the Actontec (starting at line 96)
final relays = [
[manufacturerId:0x0113, productTypeId: 0x5246, productId: 0x3133, productName: "Evolve LFM-20"],
[manufacturerId:0x0113, productTypeId: 0x5246, productId: 0x3133, productName: "Linear FS20Z-1"],
[manufacturerId:0x5254, productTypeId: 0x8000, productId: 0x0002, productName: "Remotec ZFM-80"],
[manufacturerId:134, productTypeId: 4, productId: 37, productName: "Aeotec ZWUS"]
Doesn’t seem to matter either way, but this lets it stay a relay
Is there anyway to set the device type to relay in the modern app? I can’t seem to set this at all.
[edit: found it on the graph.api.smartthings.com website. Couldn’t configure from my phone]
How do you even get the Aeotec Range Extender added in the current app? When I plug in the extender about 5 feet from the SmartThings Hub V2 and then press Connect New Device in the app, nothing ever comes up. None of the myriad of device types in the app seem to match the idea of a range extender or relay so I can’t use the “specific” selection.
It will just pair as an on/off switch.
I would start by doing a general exclude, just in case it had been paired to a test network at the factory. That happens sometimes. So the first thing you do when a Zwave device of any kind won’t pair is to run a general exclude on it just to clear out any old settings.
Great instructions - Thanks
have you @schettj or anyone got any idea how to get this range extender to work?
this device is just picking up dust, and i kind of need the 150m outdoor range it advertises.
so far a complete waste of time
All you need to do to make it work is plug it in and get it to pair. Once paired you can’t see it working, it should just make the mesh better/extend its range.
If you do have it paired and it doesn’t seem to help, you should try to do a couple zwave repair actions a few hours apart so the mesh can rebuild to take advantage of it.
The 150 m is a maximum range. Typical use can be much less.
The range extenders were useful up through the third generation of zwave, but they’re pretty much meaningless now. (“Classic” Zwave is 4th generation and Zwave plus is 5th generation.) any mains-powered Z wave device except emergency devices like smoke alarms now also acts as a repeater. That extends the range exactly the same way that the old range extenders used to. So a light switch, pocket socket, relay, etc. And if those devices are Z wave plus, they will have noticeably longer range then the single purpose “Z wave extender” does.
As far as outdoors, the 150 m applies to clear line of sight outdoors on a clear day. Many things can block signal, including trees, cars, rain, etc.
You can still use a range extender if you want to, but you get exactly the same result as if you plugged in a fourth-generation pocket socket. And you get better results from A Zwave plus device in the same location.
Guys please. Can someone please just walk me through the correct device type to find the Aeotec Range extender? Closest I get is under switches and dimmers, aeon labs, then a choice between micro in-wall appliance switch, micro smart energy illuminator, miso illuminator g2 light dimmer, and smart energy switch. My range extender is brand new and I did hit the link button 3 times as above in this thread and the red led did turn solid BUT I NEVER FOUND THE DEVICE IN THE SMARTTHINGS APP nor can i find it on the smartthings web page. Is there a way to tell that this thing is linked besides a solid red led?
mine is just whatever it paired as zwave device… and I know it is working as I have a temp sensor in a real old metal chest freezer… didn’t work at all till I plugged in the range extender in an ouitlet right above it… now it works fine. there is no indication in the logs or elsewhere it is working but it does
as I side note I have also found that the intermatic line of plug in switches work really well as range extenders/boosters
and they have the side benefit that the green light flashes when it is relaying messages whether it is on or off so you can actually tell it is doing something.