Aeotec nano shutter z-wave integration witn Google home app via St v3

Hi everyone,

So I have been trying to make my google home app open/close/stop the “Aeotec nano shutter z-wave” which is installed in my shutter switch.

I did all the “My device handler” which provided by Aeotec:

# Window Shade Device Blinds

|Name|Window Shade|
| — | — |

And I have encountered a few challenges/problems:

  1. In the google home app I see “blinds” that are connected with dimmer interface but not working (I have tried to bypass it with “scenes/routines” - no success.

  2. From some reason the st app (new one) show me “A network or server…Try again later” message so I Have downloded the Classic app and it works but…Still when i try “scenes/routines” it shows that its a light switch.

My only wish is to say “Hey google open/close blinds…”

I need help.
1 - My 3 way switch does not work.
2 - The device does not work on v3.

Follows the my code:
def refresh() {
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 85,size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 1), //set operation mode 1 (S1 = UP, S2 = DOWN)
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 80,size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 2), //report Basic Report to update status when controlled via switch
//zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 120,size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 2),
//(Sets S1 external switch mode): 1 = reserved, 2 = 3-way switch mode, 3 = Push button mode, 4 = automatic identification mode
//zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 121,size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 1),
//(Sets S1 external switch mode): 1 = reserved, 2 = 3-way switch mode, 3 = Push button mode, 4 = automatic identification mode
zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: 35,size: 1, scaledConfigurationValue: 30) //sets the total up/down time in seconds, this setting is used to calibrate the total up and down time.

You solved?

Change Nano Shutter device handler to “Z-Wave Generic Switch” which should resolve your issue with SmartThings Connect not appearing.

Then you can use after performing an alexa device re-discovery:

“Turn ON Nano Shutter” //Opens Window
“Turn OFF Nano Shutter” //Closes Window

I has 3 aeotec work fine in smartthings classic app,
but not working in alexa
& not working in google assitant
& not working in actiontiles dashboard (mi own tablet for control home devices)
I supousse alexa, google and actiontiles integrate aeotec nano like a switch and send on/off,
but the device handler hope open/close
i going to trate to modify the original device handler to acept on/off and open/close
if you can help me “welcome”

Any news on that? Still need to create “routine” on my google home app to open/close. I searched all over the web - st/github/googl home forums…didnt finde nothing!!!

Alexa and Gh not the same. I try that. didnt work well. thanks and sorry for the ver late response

Hi everyone,
Seems like the nano Shutter is still not supported in SmartThings app by default. And the only link to a device handler I’ve found ( on the web is broken. Can someone put a link to a working custom device handler (or better an Edge driver) for the Nano Shutter?