So I have been trying to make my google home app open/close/stop the “Aeotec nano shutter z-wave” which is installed in my shutter switch.
I did all the “My device handler” which provided by Aeotec:
# Window Shade Device Blinds
|Name|Window Shade| | — | — |
And I have encountered a few challenges/problems:
In the google home app I see “blinds” that are connected with dimmer interface but not working (I have tried to bypass it with “scenes/routines” - no success.
From some reason the st app (new one) show me “A network or server…Try again later” message so I Have downloded the Classic app and it works but…Still when i try “scenes/routines” it shows that its a light switch.
My only wish is to say “Hey google open/close blinds…”
I has 3 aeotec work fine in smartthings classic app,
but not working in alexa
& not working in google assitant
& not working in actiontiles dashboard (mi own tablet for control home devices)
I supousse alexa, google and actiontiles integrate aeotec nano like a switch and send on/off,
but the device handler hope open/close
i going to trate to modify the original device handler to acept on/off and open/close
if you can help me “welcome”
Any news on that? Still need to create “routine” on my google home app to open/close. I searched all over the web - st/github/googl home forums…didnt finde nothing!!!